GW Previews Upcoming Necron Codex

necron lord wal hor

Games Workshop just gave us our first preview of the upcoming Necron Codex. Come check out the latest rules and Stratagems straight from the source.

The new Necron codex is on its way, and this week Games Workshop is giving us previews of what we’ll be seeing inside the covers. Let’s take a look at what they had to say about the new Sautekh Dynasty rules and a new Stratagem.

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Sautekh Dynasty Necrons have something that the army has traditionally lacked – mobility! By allowing your units to Advance and shoot, your opponents will find it much more difficult to stay out of range of your deadliest weapons, allowing you to take ground with your Necron Warriors and Immortals while maintaining a steady hail of fire.

Necrons Relentless Advance

The Sautekh Dynastic Code, Relentless Advance, is going to make the Necrons a very deadly army. If you Advance with a unit with this codex you’ll treat all ranged weapons it is equipped with as Assault weapons until the end of the turn. Additionally, unless it has Advanced this turn, the unit will not suffer the penalty to hit rolls for moving and shooting its Heavy weapon. Go head on at your opponent with guns blazing the whole time!

Equipped with a variety of Assault or Rapid Fire Weapons, Tomb Blades are particularly good candidates for Relentless Advance, adding D6″ to their already impressive movement of 14″. Where Tomb Blades really shine, however, is their new Evasion Engrams rule:

Necrons Evasion

Evasion Engrams is a new rule that will be found on Tomb Blades. It’s going to give your opponent a -1 to hit in the Shooting phase when they target Tomb Blades.

Codex: Necrons contains a host of rules for customising your Characters and constructing your ideal nemesor. With a vast host of Artefacts of the Aeons and Warlord Traits to choose from, your Overlord could be anything from a backline commander to a brutal offensive unit in his own right. Sautekh Warlords are great if you’re looking to make maximum use of the new Stratagems in the book thanks to Hyperlogical Strategist.

Necrons Hyperlogical

Hyperlogical Strategist is going to be a great Warlord Trait option for your Sutekh Warlord. It’s going to allow you to re-roll a single hit roll, wound roll, or damage roll once per battle with your Warlord. It’s also going to give you a great opportunity to get those Command Points back. While your Warlord is on the battlefield, each time you spend a CP to use a Stratagem you’ll roll a D6, and on a 5+ that CP is immediately refunded.

Your opponent will, naturally, want to take down your Warlord as quickly as possible, but even death is not the end for the Necron characters! For a mere command point, you’ll have a chance to escape death and heal up with Resurrection Protocols.

Necrons Ressurection

Resurrection Protocols is a 1 CP Stratagem that is going to help you get one last good swing in with your slain Necron Character. Used at the end of the phase in which the Character model is slain, you’ll roll a D6, and on a 4+ you’ll set the Character back up as close to its previous position, no more than 1″ from enemy models, with 1 wound remaining. To keep it fair, you can’t use this Stratagem on the same Character more than once per battle. You have roughly a 66% chance of getting this off with a 4+, but for 1 CP it almost seems like a no-brainer.

Necron Wal Hor

All in all this preview is making the Necrons look like they got a much-needed update, and a force to be reckoned with! Make sure you check back in with us tomorrow when we get another preview of what’s in store for the Necrons, and a closer look at another tenet.

If you have to have more Necrons checkout the full Necron Codex rules preview video article from last week.

What are your thoughts on the latest Necron preview? Are you going to be playing this army when the new Codex comes out?

Necron Codex


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