GW Prices Increased Today: Heres How To Save Now

GW-price-hikes-increasesHere’s how to save money on everything Games Workshop, after their new price increases have taken effect on Warhammer and 40k products.

For the fourth year in a row, another wave of GW price increases are on the way for Warhammer and while not everything is going up the timing could not be worse.

GW March 7th Price Increase

Table of Contents & Article Summary

Price increase GWLet’s get into the details as revealed by GW:

In most cases, this will be about 5%. So, as an example of what you can expect on most kits, a box of Space Marine Intercessors will go up just £1 from £35 to £36.*

A few things are going up about 10% (e.g. books, scenery, resin miniatures), and there are a couple of outliers (e.g. Blood Bowl teams and metal miniatures) which are going up around 20%. 

The price change will come into effect on the 7th of March.

So items GW makes “in-house” are getting the lowest increase while the items they traditionally farmed out to China for cheap production (books and scenery) are getting hit the hardest.

The List of Over 3000 New GW Price Increases for Warhammer

A bit of good news too is that these countries (typically hammered on retail price conversions or arbitrage from GW) are not getting any increases:

  • Australia dollar
  • New Zealand dollar
  • Japan yen
  • China RMB

Here is the list of all 3145 price increases that went into effect on March 7th, 2022.

You can see the current price, new price, and percent increase in the last column.

Let’s take a look at some of the highlights and then how you can save money on Warhammer 40k now.

Price increasesThe first thing is it looks like GW is raising codex prices again. This sucks because you can no longer just get the online version, so you pretty much have no choice in this one.

Price increases 2They are also raising prices on a lot of troop choices. As you can see both the Boyz from the Combat Patrol and Fire Warriors are going up. However, $50 for Boyz without all the options is liable to upset some players we imagine…

Price increases 3AoS battletomes are also going up by 5 bucks, so it looks like 40k isn’t the only system hit by rules price increases.

Price increases 4They are also raising the prices on a lot of boxed sets, so don’t be surprised if $195 is the new price moving forward for the two army sets, and makes Eldritch Omens (now $210) sorta make more sense.

Price increases 5Two things here, pretty much the entire Orks line is increasing, but also the Combat Patrol price. So again, expect this $150 price moving forward.

Price increases 6The boxed games are not safe either as a lot of them are going up in price as well.

Price increases 7As we said, pretty much all the product lines down to LoTR are getting hit…

To round it up, overall there is some bad, and there is some good to this round of price increases. However, with the way consumer confidence is as of late with GW, the optics on this announcement are terrible.

Click the links below and be sure to get those orders in now to save some hobby dollars!

Games Workshop: Best Alternatives & Pricing Values 


We had done this before, but now that not only the units inside have increased, but also the selection of Combat Patrol boxes themselves, we wanted to give you the real value and pricing now.  This way you can save more money on Warhammer 40k when you start or supplement your army.

Updated Pricing for all Combat Patrols & Starter Boxes

Most of these are available from third-party retailers for less even so if you can’t find them at your local store, be sure to check those links and save some cash! Let’s get into the new boxes!

We’re starting with the Start Collecting box set value, which are being replaced by Vanguard and Combat Patrol boxes. So if you see one you want don’t wait too long as it may be discontinued.

All of these are great ways to save money on Warhammer 40k .

Start Collecting Tzeentch

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SC tzeentch

  • Burning Chariot of Tzeentch $44
  • 3x Flamers of Tzeentch $35
  • 3x Screamers of Tzeentch $35
  • Ten-man Pink Horrors $42

Total MSRP: $156

Savings Versus Box Price: $61

Start Collecting Daemons of Slaanesh

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SC slaanesh

  • Exalted Seeker Chariot –No longer on GW online store ($60) 
  • 5x Seekers of Slaanesh $29
  • Ten-man Slaanesh Daemonette squad $38

Total MSRP: $127

Savings Versus Box Price: $32

Start Collecting Daemons of Khorne

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sc khorne

  • Herald on Bloodthrone Not on online GW store ($40-$50)
  • 3x Bloodcrushers $55
  • Ten-man Bloodletter squad $38

Total MSRP: $143

Savings Versus Box Price: $48

Start Collecting Chaos Space Marines (NEW)

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start collecting new chaos marines

  • Ten-man Chaos Space Marines Unit $60
  • Master of Possessions $35?
  • Obliterators $60?
  • Greater Possessed $42
  • Venomcrawler $60?

It’s difficult to tell all of the pricing on these units. We used our price point from the initial units spotted in our Shadowspear Box Set breakdown. However, this is the only other avenue outside of Shadowspear to get over half of these Chaos units inside still.

Total MSRP: $257

Savings Versus Box Price: $147

Start Collecting Militarum Tempestus

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  • 1x ten-man scion squad (can be made into a command squad and a scion squad) $84
  • Officio Prefectus Commissar $32
  • Taurox Prime $55

Total MSRP: $171

Savings Versus Box Price: $61

Start Collecting Astra Militarum

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  • Officio Prefectus Commissar $32
  • Leman Russ Battle Tank $60
  • Cadian Heavy Weapon Team (one model) $13
  • ten-man Cadian Shock Troops $50

Total MSRP: $155

Savings Versus Box Price: $45

Start Collecting Craftworlds

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sc eldar

  • Farseer $32
  • 5x Wraithguard (Can also be assembled into Wraithblades) $60
  • Wraithlord $60
  • War Walker $38

Total MSRP: $190

Savings Versus Box Price: $80

Start Collecting Thousand Sons

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start collecting tsons

  • Ten-man Tzaangors $50 Chainsword upgrade x2 $12.50 ea
  • Ten-Man Rubric Marines $60
  • Ahriman $40

Total MSRP: $175

Savings Versus Box Price: $65

Start Collecting Tyranids

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sc tyranids

  • eight-man Genestealer Squad $38
  • Trygon $80
  • Broodlord $42

Total MSRP: $160

Savings Versus Box Price: $50

Start Collecting Genestealer Cults

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gsc start collecting

  • Achilles Ridgerunner $55
  • Neophyte Hybrids $50
  • Acolyte Hybrids $42
  • Acolyte Iconward $32

Total MSRP: $179

Savings Versus Box Price: $69

Now let’s move on to the new Combat Patrols for Warhammer 40k!

Deathwatch Combat Patrol

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deathwatch start collecting

    • 10 Intercessors: $60
    • 3 Aggressors: $55
    • Primaris Lieutenant with Power Sword: $35
    • Primaris Apothecary: $38 
    • Deathwatch Upgrade Sprue $15 (at least one included)

      Total MSRP: $203

      Savings Versus Box Price: $53

      Space Wolves Combat Patrol Pricing & Value

      Click Here To Get Yours For Less: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | or | eBay |

      space wolves comabt patrol

        • 10 Intercessors: $60
        • 5 Reivers: $35 (Normally $60 for 10)
        • Invictor Warsuit: $65
        • Primaris Space Wolves Lieutenant: $35 
        • At least one Space Wolves Upgrade Sprue $15 (previous price when sold separately)

        Total MSRP: $210

        Savings Versus Box Price: $60

        Blood Angels Combat Patrol Box

        Click Here To Get Yours For Less: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | or | eBay |

        Blood Angel Combat Patrol

          • Space Marines Impulsor: $80
          • Space Marines Primaris Aggressors: $55
          • Combat Patrol (pun intended) of Intercessors: $35
          • Combat Patrol (pun intended) of Infilitrators: $35
          • Primaris Librarian: $38
          • Two Blood Angels Upgrade Sprues: $30 ($15 previous price when sold separately)

          Total MSRP: $273

          Savings Versus Box Price: $123

          Death Guard Combat Patrol

          Click Here To Get Yours For Less: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | or | eBay |

          dg combat patrol

            • 30 Poxwalkers $105 ($35 for a box of ten this week)
            • 7 Plague Marines $50
            • Typhus $40
            • Biologus Putrifier $32

            Total MSRP: $227

            50-off-Cropped-Short-scarlet-eldarClick Here For 50% Off & Free Shipping!

            Savings Versus Box Price: $77

            Dark Angels Combat Patrol:

            Click Here To Get Yours For Less:| Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | or | eBay |

            dark angels combat patrol


              • 5 Intercessors $35 ($60 for 10)
              • 3 Inceptors $55 
              • Primaris Chaplain $38
              • Redemptor Dreadnought $70 
              • At least One Dark Angels Upgrade Sprue $15

              Total: $213

              Savings Versus Box Price: $63

              Drukhari Combat Patrol

              Click Here To Get Yours For Less: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | or | eBay |

              drukhari combat patrol

                • 10 Kabalite Warriors $38
                • 1 Raider $55
                • 1 Ravager $55
                • 5 Incubi $60
                • Archon $32

                Total MSRP: $240

                Savings Versus Box Price: $90

                So, with the value and what’s in this, it’s hard to pass up. Overall, this is a pretty solid box and worth it for most new or seasoned DE players. This is definitely one of the most useful and desirable Combat Patrols they’ve come out with up to this point.

                Adeptus Mechanicus Combat Patrol

                Click Here To Get Yours For Less: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | or | eBay |

                ad mech combat patrol

                  • Dunecrawler $80
                  • 10 Rangers $50
                  • 3 Breachers $58
                  • Tech-Priest Enginseer $35

                  Total MSRP: $223

                  Savings Versus Box Price: $73

                  Space Marines Combat Patrol

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                  Combat Patrol sm


                  • Impulsor $80
                  • Ten-man Infiltrator Squad $60 (Multi-part kit price)
                  • Eliminators $55 (Multi-part kit price)
                  • Phobos Lieutenant $35 
                  • Suppressors $55? Does not have an individual kit yet…Following the price for Eliminators

                  Total MSRP: $285ish…

                  Savings Versus Box Price: $100 (same as old Start Collecting box) plus a discounted Impulsor

                  Necrons Combat Patrol 

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                  Combat Patrol necron

                    • 10 Immortals or Deathmarks $84 ($42 ea)
                    • Night Scythe or Doom Scythe $65
                    • Tomb Blades $55
                    • Overlord $32

                    Total MSRP: $236

                    Savings Versus Box Price: $86

                    Sisters of Battle Combat Patrol

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                    Sisters of Battle Combat Patrol


                      • Canoness $38 
                      • Battle Sisters Squad $60
                      • Repentia Squad $30 ($55 for 10)
                      • 1x Penitent Engine $35 ($60 for 2)
                      • 3x Arco Flagellants $17 ($55 for 10)
                      • Rhino $60
                      • Seraphim Squad $60 

                      Total MSRP: $300

                      Savings Versus Box Price: $150

                      Orks Combat Patrol

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                      Orks Combat Patrol

                          • 20 Ork Boyz $100 ($50 each)
                          • 3 Deffkoptas $60 
                          • Deff Dread $60
                          • Warboss in Mega Armor $38 

                          Total MSRP: $258

                          Savings Versus Box Price: $108

                          Black Templars 40k Combat Patrol Box

                          Click Here To Get Yours For Less: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | or | eBay |


                          combat patrol black templars


                            • 5 man Primaris Combat Squad $35 ($60 for 10)
                            • 10 Man Crusader Squad $60 
                            • Black Templars Marshal $35
                            • Impulsor Kit $80 
                            • Upgrade Sprue kit x1 $35

                            Total MSRP: $245

                            Savings Versus Box Price: $95

                            Tau Combat Patrol:

                            Click Here To Get Yours For Less: Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games |or eBay

                            Tau Combat Patrol 2Just to note, we’re going to assume the new Tau Combat Patrol is a $140 price point as everyone else has been the same price so far. Let’s check out the value

                            • Fire Warriors: $55
                            • Fireblade: $32
                            • Stealth Battlesuits: $35
                            • Ghostkeel Battlesuit: $85
                            • Ethereal: $33.50 (the Ethereal pictured is the one from the current Start Collecting box, so this is priced a little higher)

                            Total MSRP: $240.50

                            Savings Versus Box Price: $90.50

                            This doesn’t have the highest value we’ve seen, but pretty close to a lot of the boxes and still decent for the price. If you need the models inside then it does save you a decent amount of cash and will get you a lot of minis for fairly cheap.

                            Thousand Sons Combat Patrol:

                            Thousand Sons Combat PatrolThe Thousand Sons one is pretty similar to the Hexfire box, so if you grabbed that one this might still have some value for you. It is a little strange just because it has so many Tzaangors and it’s basically the same as the Hexfire box but with 10 more Tzaangors added in.

                            Let’s check out what this will save you:

                            • 5x Scarab Occult Terminators $60
                            • Infernal Master $35 (Based on recent characters)
                            • 20X Tzaangors (with upgrade sprues) $130

                            Total MSRP: $225

                            Savings Versus Box Price: $75

                            Grey Knights Combat Patrol:

                            Grey Knights Combat PatrolThe Grey Knights one is pretty similar to the Hexfire box, so if you grabbed that one this might still have some value for you. Because who doesn’t need more minis and they switched out the Crowe for the Terminators. So some pretty decent stuff overall. 

                            Let’s check out what this will save you:

                            • Terminator Squad: $54
                            • Dreadknight: $65
                            • 5x Strike Squad: $40 ($65 for 10)
                            • Librarian: $35

                            Total Value: $194

                            Savings Versus Box Price: $44

                            Unfortunately, the Grey Knights one has low value… However for a very low model count army, this isn’t a bad pick-up overall.

                            Adeptus Custodes Combat Patrol:

                            Adeptus Custodes Combat Patrol

                            Following on from the events of Shadow Throne, the perfidious Genestealer Cultists and the Talons of the Emperor are mustering Combat Patrols to continue their respective missions across the Imperium. You’ll be able to prepare for these campaigns with Codex: Adeptus Custodes and Codex: Genestealer Cults, which are both packed full of thematic rules like devastating crossfire, and peerless battle stances.

                            If you’re in need of the Sisters models, this box is a good buy, but if not, it may be a pass.  Let’s check out what this will save you:

                            • 10x Sisters of Silence: $110
                            • Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike: $60
                            • Vexilus Praetors: $60

                            Total MSRP: $230

                            Savings Versus Box Price: $80

                            Genestealer Cults Combat Patrol:

                            GSC Combat Patrol

                            Following on from the events of Shadow Throne, the perfidious Genestealer Cultists and the Talons of the Emperor are mustering Combat Patrols to continue their respective missions across the Imperium. You’ll be able to prepare for these campaigns with Codex: Adeptus Custodes and Codex: Genestealer Cults, which are both packed full of thematic rules like devastating crossfire, and peerless battle stances.

                            Overall of all the Combat Patrol Boxes, the new Genestealer Cults is a pretty good value in terms of both pricing and selection of models.

                            Let’s check out what this will save you:

                            • 20x Neophyte Hybrids: $100
                            • Magus: $32
                            • Goliath Rockgrinder: $60
                            • Aberrants: $42
                            • Acolyte Hybrids: $42

                            Total Value: $276

                            Savings Versus Box Price: $126

                            Next, we’ll check out the most recent Battleforces. Just be warned, some of them may no longer be available, but if you can find them they have good value.

                            Overall for a new Warhammer army, you should be able to find most of these still…

                            Soulblight Gravelords: Revenant Legion

                            Click Here To Get Yours For Less: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | or | eBay |

                            Revenant Legion

                            • Vengorian Lord: $60
                            • 5x Blood Knights: $65
                            • 20x Deathrattle Skeletons: $60
                            • 40x Deadwalker Zombies: $110

                            Total MSRP: $295

                            Savings Versus Box Price: $85

                            Hedonites of Slaanesh: Sybarite Blade-Carnival Battleforces Pricing & Value

                            Click Here To Get Yours For Less: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | or | eBay |Sybarite Blade-Carnival

                            • Shardspeaker: $33.50
                            • 3X Slaangor Fiendbloods: $55
                            • 10x Blissbarb archers: $55
                            • Slickblade Seekers: $70
                            • Mymirdesh Painbringers: $60
                            • Symbaresh Twinsouls: $60

                            Total MSRP: $333.5

                            Savings Versus Box Price: $123.5

                            Lumineth Realm-lords: Vanari Shining Host

                            Click Here To Get Yours For Less: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | or | eBay |

                            Vanari Shining Host

                            • Vanari Auralan Wardens: $60
                            • Bladelords: $60
                            • Dawnriders $65
                            • Starshard Ballista $55
                            • Bannerblade $35
                            • Lord Regent $55

                            Total MSRP: $330

                            Savings Versus Box Price: $120

                            Ossiarch Bonereapers: Mortisan Tithe-Echelon 

                            Click Here To Get Yours For Less: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | or | eBay |

                            Mortisan Tithe-Echelon

                            • Boneshaper: $32
                            • Soulreaper: $32
                            • Mortek Guard: $60
                            • Necropolis Stalkers: $55
                            • Gothizzar Harvester: $55
                            • Mortek Crawler: $85

                            Total MSRP: $319

                            Savings Versus Box Price: $109

                            Space Marines: Shieldbreaker Strike Force 

                            Click Here To Get Yours For Less: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | or | eBay |

                            Shieldbreaker Strike Force

                            • 10 Intercessors: $60
                            • 10 Assualt Intercessors: $60
                            • 5 Heavy Intercessors: $65
                            • Bladeguard Veterans: $50
                            • Storm Speeder: $70
                            • Primaris Captain: $38

                            Total MSRP: $343

                            Savings Versus Box Price: $133

                            Death Guard: Plaguefester Warband 

                            Click Here To Get Yours For Less: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | or | eBay |

                            Plaguefester Warband

                            • Deathshroud Terminators: $60
                            • Plague Marines: $50
                            • Blight-haulers: $75
                            • Plagueburst Crawler: $70
                            • Plague Marine Champion: $32
                            • Icon Bearer: $32

                            Total MSRP: $319

                            Savings Versus Box Price: $109

                            Necrons: Worldscour Legion 

                            Click Here To Get Yours For Less: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | or | eBay |

                            Worldscour Legion

                            • Psychomancer Cryptek: $35
                            • Necron Warriors: $50
                            • Lokhust Heavy Destroyer: $35
                            • 3 Ophydian Destroyers: $60
                            • 5 Flayed Ones: $55
                            • 2 Canoptek Doomstalkers: $90

                            Total MSRP: $325

                            Savings Versus Box Price: $115

                            Orks: Killdakka Warband 

                            Click Here To Get Yours For Less: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | or | eBay |

                            Killdakka Warband

                            • 5 Nobz: $35
                            • 20 Boyz: $100 (New ETB From the Combat Patrol)
                            • Gretchin: $18
                            • Deffkilla Wartrike: $50
                            • Big Mek with Shokk Attack Gun: $38
                            • Dakkajet: $80

                            Total MSRP: $321

                            Savings Versus Box Price: $111

                            Adepta Sororitas: Purgatos Mission

                            Click Here To Get Yours For Less: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | or | eBay |

                            Purgatos Mission

                            • Sister Dogmata: $35
                            • Celestian Sacresants: $60
                            • 10 Battle Sisters: $60
                            • Immolator: $80
                            • Exorcist: $85

                            Total MSRP: $320

                            Savings Versus Box Price: $110

                            Adeptus Mechanicus: Omnissiah’s Talon

                            Click Here To Get Yours For Less: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | or | eBay |

                            Omnissiah’s Talon


                            • 5x Pteraxii: $60
                            • Ruststalkers: $49
                            • Serberys Raiders: $60
                            • Ironstrider: $60
                            • Skitarii Rangers: $50
                            • Tech-priest Manipulus: $38

                            Total MSRP: $317

                            Savings Versus Box Price: $107

                            So that’s pretty all the Start Collecting, Battleforce, and the Combat Patrol box value and pricing for your Warhammer army for the price increases

                            There are still some battle boxes out there as well, but they tend to go out of stock quickly and are more about “new” miniatures that value. However, be sure to look for those if they match up with your new faction for sure and will help you save more money on Warhammer 40k.

                            What do you think about the latest GW price increases for Warhammer, and how do you save money on things like 40k? 

                            Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, or our new Discord server, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! 

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