Save Hobby $$ 40k Shadowspear Value Breakdown

Save Hobby $$ 40k Shadowspear Value Breakdown

Which faction are you going for? Don’t miss this hobby dollar breakdown for the potential value of everything that comes inside the Shadowspear Starter box set.

GW has advertised Shadowspear as a starter box valued at over $400 worth of contents to their retailers. So what would the individual prices look like? Here’s a close guess, as we’ve made some educated guesses based off of what GW has done in the past.

It’s also worth mentioning that GW may be keeping some of the wargear options to themselves for when the units get released individually later down the line. It’s not necessarily a bad thing. But you may not want to blow all your hard-earned hobby money on a unit that could get more options later on!


This could be our best battlebox ever, containing two armies of gorgeous models with all-new sculpts, two mini-codexes, as well as lore and missions that kick off the next stage of the war for the Vigilus System. This set is incredible whether you’re looking to expand an existing army or start a brand new one. Have a look at all the incredible models you’ll find inside! 

Master of Possession




chaos sorcererThe Master of Possession is slightly-more tricked out Sorcerer that Chaos Marines are used to.

With Wargear, the Master of Possessions will be 98 points.

Cost: $35 and will probably come out in a clam pack at some point based on the pic of his individual sprue.

Chaos Space Marines


These are just your run-in-the-mill Marines that come stock with an autocannon in the Box Set. Their new sculpts are fantastic! We should hopefully be seeing new individual boxes of these guys on the shelf.

Chaos Space Marines are 13 points each with the following options:

  • Autocannon 10
  • Plasma Gun 11
  • Plasma Pistol 5

Cost: $60

Greater Possessed


ShadowspearGreater Possessed are a new unit coming to the Chaos faction. They’re an Elites choice and actually only come in squad sizes of two. The coolest thing about this unit is that they’ve got the Character keyword.  With five attacks a piece doing D3 damage as well as being untargettable, these guys can wreak some havoc if they get too close.

Greater Possessed are 70 points apiece.

Cost: $40 for a pack of two characters




ShadowspearObliterators are what all Terminators should be in 8th edition. At T5, 4 wounds, and a 2+ save, these guys can take a beating. Their guns got upgraded to assault 6 now and still keep their random shot profile. In the past, Obliterators came in squads of three or more. However, now you’ll be able to field as few as one if you’d like!

Obliterators are 115 points (wargear is 0 cost).

Cost: $60 for a pack of two models


chaos venom crawler

The Venomcrawler is kind of like a shooty Maulerfiend. It’s T7 with a host of attacks in melee along with some decent ranged damage output. At T7 with 10 wounds, this is about the same as a Dreadnought on the table.

Venomcrawler is 130 points.

Cost: $60

Total Cost Value of Chaos Faction: $255

Suppressor Squad


Fast Attack slots are usually the battlefield role that somewhat gets shafted in most factions. However, the Primaris are getting a really cool unit. The max unit size of these guys is only three, but that comes out to six total autocannon shots. Plus, if an enemy model dies from one of the shots, the unit can’t fire overwatch because they’re suppressed! 

Suppressors are 33 points each including wargear. (so a squad of 3 is99).

Cost: $50 (We saw the Primaris Inceptor kits come out on their own in a pack of three for $50 earlier in the year). 

Infiltrator Squad


This is an all-around solid disruption unit. They can deepstrike, heal their own guys, and prevent any deepstriking within 12″ of the unit. If you take a unit of 10 guys and fan them out, you’re able to really cover a massive field of anti-deepstriking. This is bound to cause a real headache for GSC players.  Their Marksman Carbines auto-wound on a hit of a 6+. This really helps squeeze out a few wounds on tougher things like Vehicles.

Infiltrators are 22 points each, with the Helix Adept being 32. (Total of 230pts).

Cost: $60 for ten model box

Lieutenant in Phobos Armor


This Lieutenant does everything a normal Lieutenant does except he can deepstrike and slice and dice a bit more in combat.

Phobos Lieutenant is 86 points with wargear.

Cost: $25

Librarian in Phobos Armor

vanguard librarian

Looking at the Librarian, he’s got everything a normal Librarian has along with a camo cloak. He can actually be set up more than 9″ away and as long as he’s in cover, you add 2 to your save rolls! He’s a character so he’s already pretty well-protected, but the camo cloak is a nice little piece of gear.

Librarian is 111 points with wargear.

Cost: $35

Captain in Phobos Armor

The Captain is a bit of a combination of the last few units we’ve covered. He can prevent any enemy units from deepstriking within 12″ of him, has a camo cloak, and can deepstrike more than 9″ away from the enemy. He’s got a heavy 1 Bolter that can target characters but don’t expect it to ever do too much.

The Primaris Captain is 116 points with wargear

Cost: $35

Eliminator Squad

shadowspear eliminators

At first glance, you probably thought these guys would be either Troops or Elites. However, they’re actually a Heavy Support and come loaded with two different sets of ammunition. One brings the heat with D3 damage and the other can target characters that they don’t have LOS to. Those pesky Kurov’s Aquila Commissars will have a harder time sticking to the cover of a building now!

Eliminators are 24 points a piece with wargear.

Cost: $50  It’s possible that these units could be in five-man squads. We’ve seen GW throw (half-sized) squads of Nighthaunt in the Soul Wars box. However, assuming everything is playable on the table right out of the box, the squad size could just be three models when/if any codex adjustments are made.

Total Cost Value of Primaris Faction: $255

Total Estimated Box Set Value (Chaos & Primaris): $510



Remember, that the models inside Shadowspear will probably  getting their own individual packaging later down the line. (Just as we saw with the Dark Imperium Death Guard vs. Primaris units). It’s also worth mentioning that we could see more wargear options released for these guys when that happens.

Standard caveats apply as the prices that we listed were just educated guesses based on what most characters, as well as other Primaris and Chaos units, cost.

If we even came somewhat close to the prices of the units, we think you’ll be getting a good deal. 

What do you think the price points on the units will be? Will you be splitting a box with a friend? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.