Get ready for the Knight Rampager and Despoiler two of the new models coming soon with a full Chaos Heretic Renegade Knight release!
Boom goes the dynamite! Only one year has gone by since Imperials got their updated Knight codex and the Dominus class. Now it looks to be the Renegades turn.
Something big is incoming for Chaos, REAL BIG!
Warhammer Community had the big reveal from the iconic Warhammer Fest 2019:
The Imperial Knight is an immediately iconic design, and it can’t be improved upon – but you can add spikes.
It probably goes without saying that we love Spikey Bits, but these kits appear to be a bit more than just the standard Imperial kit with a few spikes added…
Knight Rampager
Knight Desecrator
This kit is all-new and packed with grisly details that make it instantly recognizable as a dark mirror of its loyalist kin – all while maintaining great posaibility and plenty of options for customization. You’ll be able to build either a brutal Knight Rampager or the dominating Knight Despoiler, with a range of armor plates, faces, spikes and horns for making your Chaos Knight your own.
Accompanying the new Chaos Knight will be a fully fledged codex that lets you unleash the true might of the Questor Traitoris on the battlefield. All the Knight patterns from Index: Renegade Knights will still be usable, only now you’ll be able to combine them with Stratagems, Warlord Traits, Relics and, of course, Knight Rampagers and Knight Despoilers.
New lore, meanwhile, will allow you to explore the shadowy history of the Chaos Knights – as much veterans of the Long War as their Heretic Astartes kin, with thousands of years of history behind them that sheds new light on the dark powers of Chaos.
If you’re not hyped yet, well shut the front door and look at these amazing pics from the event sent to us from James Martin.
The new Knight Desecrator looks to have a new weapon type as the battle, and thermal cannons are nowhere to be found on these models.
The Rampager seems to favor two close combat weapons just like the Imperials’ Gallant. Will he be right over 300 points as well?
The new book brings that more of that Iconic Raymond Swanland art, but looks to be a bit thin…
From the video there are Armigers and Dominus classes available as well, however, they seem to be adorned with existing Chaos upgrade bits from the Marine range:
Chaos Knight Armiger with CSM Vehicle upgrade bits.
Chaos Knight Dominus with CSM Vehicle upgrade bits.
If you are looking to convert your Knight kits into Chaos now, you are still in luck! For around $85 Legio Models has a ton of upgrade kits that work great for the Questoris and now even Armiger frames.
Give your Knight the power of darkness. If you love Renegade Knights, don’t miss our reviews of these upgrade armor sets from Legio Models!
Want to know more?
Exclusive Warhammer Fest Coverage
More Chaos is coming, what will the loyalists do? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.