GW Reveals Ghazghkull 40k Rules Datasheet: Saga of the Beast

Ghazghkull thraka rulesDon’t miss the new Warhammer 40k rules for Ghazghkull Thraka that GW revealed from Psychic Awakening’s Saga of the Beast.

For weeks now, we’ve been seeing teasers left and right for everything coming in Saga of the Beast. While there have been some rumors and other mysterious pics that have emerged across the web, we’ll be looking at only the official previews from GW.

Prophecy of the Wolf Box Set

prophecy of the wolfThis set is one of the smaller ones we’ve seen in all honesty. The Orks are actually looking pretty decent with multiple Nob units and a massive big chungo Ghazghkull. However, the Space Wolves have a little more to be desired. Their entire half of the box is just some Infiltrators and Ragnar.

The Ragnar model is dope- but it just seems like more value could’ve been had here.

GW Reveals Ghazghkull 40k Rules Datasheet: Saga of the Beast



ghazghkull rules officialSpotted on Warhammer 40,000’s Facebook, we’ve got his datasheet. We saw it earlier, however now that it’s been dropped on one of GW’s official outlets we know that there won’t be any surprises…except for points.

Some key things to note about Ghaz’s new stats, however, is that GW took away his Infantry keyword, made him greater than 10 wounds, and now allows rerolls to Friendly Ork Infantry… Meaning you’ll be able to lead a Waaagh! from all different Clans.

Still Waiting on Ragnar’s New Primaris Stats


ragnarWe’ve heard some rumors about Ragnar’s stats but there’s not been, anything official. But if he’s supposed to be going toe-to-toe with Ghazghkull, we’re hoping he’s got some really crazy stats nobody is expecting. Or at least maybe a really low cost for some average Primaris character stats (basically just value town).

With all of this on the table, we still have plenty of unanswered questions that we’ll be searching for but in the meantime…

How expensive do you think Ghazghkull will be? Will Ghazghkull be an auto-include for any Ork list? Are you expecting any new rules to hit Ragnar’s datasheet once he hits the shelves?

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