GW Reveals More 40k Chaos Traitor Guard For Blackstone Fortress

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Ambull what?? New Chaos Traitor Guard are on the way for 40k’s Blackstone Fortress just in time for the return of Abaddon, and of course Vigilus part two!

Warhammer Community is at GAMA right now showcasing what’s ahead release-wise in 2019! Chaos has even more models on the way as they are even popping up in Warhammer Quest Blackstone Fortress soon!

Blackstone Fortress Reveals Traitor Commissar & Chaos Ogryn

Ambulls aren’t the only thing lurking int he dark corridors of the Blackstone Fortress. It seems like the band of explorers is uncovering more and more secrets about the Traitor Guardsmen that were thought only to be at the surface of the Fortress.

traitor command

Traitor Command is a new adventure pack for Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress that sees you descend into darkness to crush a growing Chaos threat. You’ll face terrifying new hostiles with the Traitor Commissar and Chaos Ogryn, find strange and powerful new gear, and forge alliances with unlikely friends in Precipice…

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If you listen closely enough, you can hear the sound of thousands of Chaos Guardsmen player’s jaws dropping. The Traitor Commissar and Chaos Ogryn are brand new plastic kits bringing the Guard and Chaos together outside of Forge World’s resin!

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While this is the first set of previews for the game, Warhammer Community already announced that both of these new models will be getting their own stat sheets for games of 40k. What kind of rules do you think the Ogryn will have? Is his claw hand just for show, or perhaps a power fist?

Will he be able to take different marks of the Chaos Gods? How big will a squad of Chaos Ogryn be? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.