GW Reveals New Custodes & T-Sons Releases

gw store shot wal horGames Workshop just gave us a preview of next week’s pre-orders, and we’re seeing even more Custodes coming our way. Come take a look at the reveals.

Games Workshop just gave us a big teaser on what’s due to come out next week. Now looks like it’s going to be the perfect time to expand your Custodes army with this new pre-orders. Let’s see what they are and what GW had to say about them.

Next week, the Adeptus Custodes are receiving some reinforcement from two new elite units – but they’re followed closely by the sinister forces of the Thousand Sons and their Tzaangor servants.

Every member of the Adeptus Custodes is a master of warfare in all of its forms, but certain members show particularly notable talents. Those who excel at surgical strikes and hold particular loathing for enemy commanders serve with the Allarus Custodians (now available for pre-order), while some can take their enhanced reaction speeds and immense dexterity and marry them to a Dawneagle Jetbike; part bike, part indomitable weapons platform. These are known as the Vertus Praetors, and next week, you’ll be able to pre-order them for your army.


On the tabletop, you’ll find these guys invaluable, capable of surging up the table ahead of your main force and tying up key enemies or taking objectives. Alternatively, equip yours with salvo launchers and they’ll act as versatile tank and aircraft hunters – indeed, thanks to the Fly keyword, you’ll even be able to bring down particularly stubborn Stormravens with a concentrated lance charge – how very Warhammer 40,000! You’ll be able to use your kit to build a Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike, too, a great HQ for a rapid-assault Adeptus Custodes army.

Custodes Vertus Captain

Some members of the Adeptus Custodes have something that can’t be manufactured or trained – raw experience. The very oldest of the Golden Legion are known as Custodian Wardens, each several centuries old and imbued with several lifetimes worth of practice overseeing the greatest military operation in the Imperium – the defence of Terra.

Cutodes Wardens

In your amy, Custodian Wardens boast additional wargear compared to their less experienced brethren, such as the mighty castellan axe, and, thanks to their oaths of service, can resist wounds that would lay another man low. They’re perfect for defending objectives or holding your opponent’s most dangerous units with. Like the Vertus Praetors kit, you’ll be able to use this set to build a Shield-Captain, as well as a Vexilus Praetor, a support unit whose abilities can boost both Adeptus Custodes and Imperium armies as he bears aloft the vexilla of his shield company.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the Cicatrix Maledictum, some of the Emperor’s most hated foes are about to receive their first ever codex (can you believe it?).

Thousand Sons Codex

The Thousand Sons have long been an iconic part of the Warhammer 40,000 universe, growing from a reference in Rogue Trader to the Rubric Marines to the first army to receive a Primarch in the new era of Warhammer 40,000. Now, the Thousand Sons are being transformed into a faction in their own right, replete with unique units, rules and much more besides.

Codex: Thousand Sons contains in-depth insight into how the sons of Magnus fight, as well as what life looks like on Soritarius. Inside, you’ll find a wealth of material to inspire your army and Stratagems, Relics and more to help you realise your dream force. Want to build a coven of sorcerers with Magnus the Red at the centre? With 18 psychic powers across three Psychic Disciplines, you’re spoilt for choice. Fancy a chittering horde of Tzaangors and other beasts of Chaos? With new rules for the Tzaangor Enlightened, Tzaangor Shaman and Mutalith Vortex Beast, you can do just that.

This week we’re seeing the new Adeptus Custodes Vertus Praetors which you will also be able to make the Vertus Captain with, as well as the new Custodian Wardens. But that’s not all, we’re also seeing the Thousand Sons codex going up for pre-order with what appears to be a selection of re-boxed models ported over from Age of Sigmar.

Make sure you check back in with us tomorrow for the full list of releases and how much they’re going to cost you.

What do you think about the new release preview? Are you going to be picking up any of the new Adeptus Custodes releases? Let us know in the comments below.

plastic adeptus custodes new 8th edition warhammer 40k

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