GW Reveals New FAQ Page For Downloads

gw hq marine statue wal horThe days of searching for the FAQ’s you need right that second are over. Games Workshop has made a new easy to find page for all of their FAQ’s.

Games Workshop just launched a new page that holds all of the FAQ’s for Warhammer 40k, The Horus Heresy, Age of Sigmar, Blood Bowl, and The Hobbit in one easy to find location.

FAQs are some of the most popular pieces of content on Warhammer Community, and are, in fact, the single most searched for article type on the site! To save you a couple of clicks, the FAQs now have a permanent home right here – no more traipsing through old articles to find the most recent one!

Warhammer Communit GW FAQ Page

Today is the one year anniversary for Warhammer Community and it looks like Games Workshop isn’t taking a break from making improvements. The new FAQ tab is located at the top of the screen so it’s extremely easy to find. This is going to come in real handy during those games when you and your opponent are trying to find the latest FAQ’s and not waste a lot of time.

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They’ve also added new tabs at the top of the page for their event calendar where you’ll be able to stay up to date on Warhammer related events around the world, and store news where you can get the latest news about your local Warhammer and Games Workshop stores.

What do you think about the new FAQ page? Are you happy to see they’ve made it easier to find the FAQ’s you need? Let us know in the comments below.

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