GW Reveals New Grey Knights & Tyranids FAQ

By James Rodriguez | December 4th, 2017 | Categories: Tyranids, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Games Workshop just dropped a new FAQ for the Tyranids, and Grey Knights. Will it change the way you play your army currently?

There’s a lot of changes in the new Codex: Tyranid FAQ that you’re going to want to know about before playing your next game.

Let’s jump in and take a look at some of the key points that Games Workshop has made adjustments to.

Codex Tyranids Post


Q: Can a unit ever Advance twice in a single phase?
A: No.

Q: If a unit has Advanced in a phase, and is given the opportunity to move again in the same phase, what is their Move characteristic?
A: Their Move characteristic for the second move would still be the value as modified from the Advance. For example, if a unit with a Move characteristic of 5″ Advances in a Movement phase, and the result of the dice rolled for the Advance is 4, its Move characteristic would be modified for that phase to 9″. As such, if it was given the opportunity to move again in that

Q: Do you pay reinforcement points in matched play for units brought back into the game using the Endless Swarm Stratagem?
A: Yes.

Q: Can a Broodlord use the Genestealers’ Infestation ability to be set up during the battle near an infestation node?
A: No.

Q: Do Hive Fleet Jormungandr units gain the cover bonus twice if they are in ruins?
A: No.

The new FAQ is clearing up some big questions like a unit can never advance twice in a single phase, some clarification on Move characteristics for units that get the opportunity to move again in the same phase, you have to pay reinforcement points for the Endless Swarm Stratagem, Broodlords cannot use the Genestealers’ Infestation ability, and Hive Fleet Jormungandr units do not gain the cover bonus twice if they’re in ruins.

Tyranid Psychic horrorWe’re also seeing an errata to what a Tyranid detachment is.

Change the first sentence to read: ‘In this section you’ll find rules for Battle-forged armies that include Tyranids Detachments.’

Add the following section before ‘Abilities’:
‘Tyranids Units In the rules described in this section we often refer to ‘Tyranids units’. This is shorthand for any Tyranids unit that also has the keyword. A Tyranids Detachment is therefore one which only includes units with both the Tyranids and keyword.

Note that although Genestealer Cults are devoted to the Hive Mind and will willingly fight alongside their xenos masters, they deviate significantly in terms of organisation and tactics, not to mention physiology! Genestealer Cults units therefore cannot make use of any of the rules listed in this section (this includes the Detachment abilities, Stratagems, bio-artefacts, psychic powers, Warlord Traits and Tactical Objectives described in this section), and instead have their own rules.’

The new errata states that when they refer to Tyranid units they mean it’s a unit with the Tyranid keyword, and Genestealer Cults can’t make use of any rules listed in the Abilities section of the Tyranid Detachments.

draigo spire of madness lore

There was also a small tweek to the Grey Knights as well:

Page 99 – Psychic Channelling
Change the second sentence of rules text to read:
‘Roll an additional D6 and discard the lowest result.’

These are just a couple examples of what you can expect to see in the updated ‘Nid FAQ. Make sure you go over to Games Workshop and familiarize yourself with the latest FAQ and prepare yourself for you next match.

What do you think about the latest FAQ? Were these much needed updates? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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