New Kasrkin & 40k Shadowvaults Kill Team Announced!

Kill-Team-Shadowvaults-sentry-gunShadowvaults is a new 40k Kill Team box that will have all the new Kasrkin and Necrons Hierotek models from the 2022 Warhammer Day preview!

The big Warhammer Day 2022 preview for Warhammer 40k and Kill Team is here from Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community, along with our commentary on all of it.

Games Workshop Warhammer Day Open Preview 2022

warhammer day preview 2022


Warhammer 40,000 turns 35 next month, and we’re packing this year’s Warhammer Day – the annual celebration of the world’s best miniatures games – with goodies from the last three-and-a-half decades. Festivities kick off on Saturday the 8th of October with a special live Warhammer preview dedicated to all things Warhammer 40,000 and Kill Team.

New Kasrkin & 40k Shadowvaults Kill Team Announced!

Kill Team Shadowvaults

The long-awaited Kasrkin it for the Imperial Guard has finally been announced by GW, and we are pumped!


Necron Hierotek Circles

This new Kill Team Shadowvaults box set will feature an epic battle between the legendary Kasrkin Cadians and a group treasure hunting Necrons named the “Hierotek Circle.”

Necrons Hierotek

Necron Hierotek Circles Kasrkin Kasrkin The stream mentioned the multipart versatility found in the Kasrkin Kit and that the Necron half of the box will contain a number of previously released kits along with never before seen upgrade sprues.

Necron Hierotek Circles

Not to be left out, this exciting new Kill Team set will include exclusive terrain pieces designed to spice up your games of skirmish combat.

kill team shadowvaults

The Warhammer Community stream also mentioned that the Kasrkin’s 40k rules will function a bit differently than regular Guardsmen. As fitting their veteran status, the Kasrkin are capable of using not one, but TWO Regimental Doctrines.

Regimental DoctrineIf the rest of the doctrines are anything like the ones above, we are sure they’ll be a huge asset to any Astra Militarum army!

This new set is shaping up to be a real hit, and we are hyped to see how people will utilize both the Kasrkin and Necrons in their games!

Check out the full video below for a closer look at all the new models coming in the Shadowvaults Kill Team 40k Box:

Check out the latest rumors about the rest of the 9th and 10th Edition Warhammer 40k rumors for new releases, including the next 40k Primarch, Space Marines, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

What do you think about this Warhammer Day 2002 preview for all the new Kasrkin, Necrons Hierotek, and 40k Shadowvaults Kill Team?

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