GW Reveals New Sisters of Battle 40k Rhino

deimos pattern rhino sisters

Even more models have been spotted for our anticipated new Sisters of Battle release Check out the Rhino chassis that will be coming soon…

Warhammer Community posted on their Battle Sister Bulletin once again. Check out the painted up versions of the earlier-previewed Deimos Pattern Rhino! Be sure to tell us what you think about their range of models that are on the way.

More on the Sisters’ Rhino: Latest

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On Warhammer Community’s latest Battle Sister Bulletin post before their faction release, they gave us some painted up minis! Looking at this version of the Deimos Pattern Rhino, there’s plenty of Sororitas iconographies to go around. Using the Horus Heresy-age chassis, this might be a huge hit across 30k and Sisters fans alike.

The heart of the Sororitas Rhino kit will be its upgrade frame, which is chock full of components to dedicate your vehicle to the service of the Sisters of Battle. As well as arched viewing ports for the driver, double-sided doors with embossed details and fleur-de-lys towing lugs, there are loads of other intricate details too.

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Diving into the detail a bit more, the Rhino even has its custom hunter-killer missile launcher showing off a servo-skull targeter and an Imperial golden wing on the side.

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Looking at an alternate aesthetic build to the Sororitas Rhino, you can have a Sister manning the gun who is just an arm’s reach away from a sheathed power sword on the side of the hull.

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{In case of melee, break clasps}

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Another awesome piece of detail is the Sister’s memento mori of a previously fallen Sister.

These morbid reliquaries display the skull of a fallen martyr with one half of the face covered by a ceramic death shroud.

It might not do anything in-game but the fluff behind their transport mini alone is incredible. They’ve definitely put a lot of time into this.

No more Deimos Pattern?

We’re not sure why they look to have abandoned their original designs of a more MK1 type look that they seemed very proud of.

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The new vehicles being designed for the Adepta Sororitas to represent the more antiquated Deimos-pattern Rhino STC. As such, they are flanked by the archetypal circular doors, adorned with the symbolic fleur-de-lys of the Adepta Sororitas.

Another feature of the Deimos-pattern Rhino chassis is that its four large exhausts are only partially clad with armour plating, if at all. 

GW Reveals New Sister Models & Army Box Set

New Plastic Adepta Soroitas Sisters of BattleDon’t miss all the amazing new Sisters of Battle models that just got their full reveals!  Check out how good these miniatures look now! Read More

What are your thoughts on the new Sisters’ line? How many points do you think will come inside their announced Box Set? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!

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