GW Reveals the Truth about Commissar Yarrick

RIP-Yarrick-angron-orksGames Workshop revealed the truth (sort of) about Commissar Yarrick, along with new imagery of Angron, who is looking jacked!

Games Workshop’s post has shed some light on the fate of Commissar Yarrick, suggesting that he might not be dead after all. The company has left the door open for his return, which could mean the release of a new exclusive Commissar Yarrick miniature and 40k rules later down the line. Then, in the same post, they showed off a new angle of the Daemon Primarch Angron, and he looks even more jacked than before!

Games Workshop Reveals the Truth about Commissar Yarrick

Commissar Yorrick

And the new Codex: Astra Militarum suggests that the Bell has tolled for the Hero of Armageddon, as Commissar Sebastian Yarrick goes to join the Emperor in glory.



People have been talking a lot, especially over on YouTube, about the fact that Yarrick is dead; however, Games Workshop is not so certain yet…

Commissar Yorrick 3

With the opening of the Great Rift, the Blood Crusade has smashed into Armageddon. Perhaps Yarrick returned to his old stomping ground and died at Angron’s hand? There’s a certain skull with a bionic eye strung around the Red Angel’s neck – he’d only keep his most memorable foes’ bounties away from the Skull Throne, and Sebastian Yarrick definitely qualifies.

Falling in battle against a Daemon Primarch would be a worthy death – but surely we’d have heard about such an epic showdown? Yarrick is not one to go quietly… 

Is Commissar Yarrick Dead?

So, while Commissar Yarrick is absent from the codex, Games Workshop has certainly left the door open in their latest post. Since they won’t say for sure either way, it feels like they might be setting things up for him to make a triumphant return!

Commissar Yorrick 2

Could it be that he isn’t dead at all? The Imperium has a proud history of factual creativity, and after the supposed-but-not-actual death of Marneus Calgar on Vigilus boosted morale, it’s entirely possible they’re trying it on again. Another heroic martyrdom to put the fire of vengeance into the hearts of mankind – if only a powerful organisation with hilariously flexible morals could arrange such a thing…

Or perhaps the galaxy’s most enthusiastic history buff has given Yarrick new purpose… as a museum exhibit. He’d be the perfect capstone to any display of classic Steel Legion models, after all. One thing’s for sure – with the Old Man of Armageddon absent from the new Codex: Astra Militarum, the truth will elude us for now. 

Will They Make New Commissar Yarrick Miniature?

This isn’t the first time Games Workshop has done this either, especially with the Imperial Guard. Remember how they said Rough Riders were gone a short while ago? Reboots like this could mean a new exclusive Commissar Yarrick miniature and 40k rules later down the line.

Plus, with the possibility of Warhammer 40k 10th edition on the horizon, maybe they will release him sort of as they did with Gaunt and a little hold-over for Imperial Guard players halfway through the edition. Either way, don’t get too worried about his “death” quite yet.

New Daemon Primarch Angron Miniature Angle

News on Commisar Yarrick was just a portion of what Games Workshop had to say in their post. 

This shows the new Daemon Primarch from a brand new angle, and it really captures his musculature and how everything will attach. So, if you’ve been patiently waiting for more images, this should hopefully hold you over for a little bit longer!

Check out the latest Warhammer 40k rumors for the rest of the 9th and 10th Edition, new releases, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

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