GW Says Squats & People Lose Their Minds

squats-armyGW mentioned squats in one of their recent posts and it has sent the internet into an uproar. Come find out what was said that has everyone talking.

In a recent post celebrating 30 years of mutations in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, Games Workshop put squats in the 5th place slot under the Abhumans mutation. Let’s take a look at what was said.

Dwarf Medic Commando squat

Abhumans are mutants, humans who have, through deliberate genetic manipulation or chance mutation, fallen out of acceptable bounds for genetic purity. These range from the feral Beastmen to fan favourites like the Ogryns and Ratlings. Popular rumours abound of diminutive, intrepid humans called Squats, but such talk is surely rumour and happenstance.

This doesn’t mean Squats are making a comeback, heck it doesn’t mean Games Workshop recognizes them as an acceptable army for tournament play, all it does it put them in the top 5 mutations in the past 30 years.

The popularity of squats is definitely growing however. We’re starting to see them pop up on the tabletop more often, and some third party companies are putting out the perfect little miniatures for your squat army. Heck the original creator of the Squats launched a successful Kickstarter to make more miniatures recently as well even.

If you are looking to start a squat army then you might want to check out Kromlech. They have their Dvergr Commando minis for Imperial Guard players, as well as squats for a couple other factions.


Would it be nice to see Games Workshop recognizes these little fellas again? Absolutely! Is it going to happen any more than an honorable mention? Most likely not. This is definitely one army that has been kept alive by the fans and fans alone. Maybe this is a “new Games Workshop” though, and they might be noticing the popularity of squats with their consumers. However, until we hear something new from GW we wouldn’t count on it.

What do you think about Squats? Are they just a lost cause? Or, are you just as hopeful as the next that they’ll be making a return? Let us know in the comments below.

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