GW: Sisters Canoness Model, Not As Limited As Reported?

By Rob Baer | December 8th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Games Workshop announced that their Sisters of Battle Cannoness Veridyan will not be as limited as first reported, giving more folks a chance at the classic remake next week!

First off if you missed it last month at the end of Warhammer TV’s dust bins video the remark heard round the world was uttered:

Cool this isn’t released for months yet. <Long Pause> Plastic Sisters of Battle!

And now she’s revealed. Coming to us via the old 2nd Edition Codex Cover, this miniature is based off the Iconic John Blanche Art!

Canoness Veridyan

Based on this art of course:

sisters-of-battle 2nd edition cover

Checkout what the gang in Nottingham had to say about the big reveal via their Facebook:

This book isn’t accompanying a new range of miniature, but we couldn’t let the release of a new book containing so many awesome sub-factions under the Imperial aegis pass without some sort of model to mark the occasion. So, our Studio Team set sculptor Martin Footit the task of creating an iconic miniature to accompany the book – and he didn’t disappoint.


You will be able to pre-order Adepta Sororitas Canoness Veridyan this weekend, and she will only be available while stocks last. She’ll also be accompanied by a new selection of Made to Order miniatures, from the Inquisition, Ecclesiarchy and Adepta Sororitas range, including some classics not available for years.

And now GW says she won’t be THAT hard to score as retailers had previous reported:

We had a lot of questions about this new Canoness yesterday (no huge surprise there, we know lots of you have been faithfully waiting a long time for a new Battle Sister).

A lot of you were worried that you wouldn’t be able to get hold of one, but don’t worry; we don’t want any of you to miss out. While she’s going to be in stores for a limited time (from the 17th) she will be available to order direct from our online store for the foreseeable future, so you’ll all have the chance to add this heroine to your collection.

The Emperor protects


Looks like we know what the next Made To Order MTO offering will be as well? Either way get in touch with you local retailer to lock in your copy of this ICONIC miniature inspired from yesteryear!

Latest on Next Week’s Releases:

Several retailers have reported the following releases to Spikey Bits:

  • Canoness Veridyan (RESIN BOX SET): $25
  • Codex Imperial Agents $40
  • Index Imperialis: Apocrypha $40
  • Tyrant of the Hollow Worlds (Space Marine Battle Book) $27
  • Horus Heresy Hear of the Pharos (Audio Drama) $27

The Canoness model has been confirmed to be super limited and most stores will only receive one of them.

So this looks to be a release in resin, but according to the description on GW’s site for things that were previously Finecast, they are all currently listed as resin now as well:



(GW Webstore: Thunderfire Cannon)

This pack contains one Space Marine Thunderfire Cannon – a finely detailed resin cast kit that comes in thirty-one components, and is supplied with one 25mm round base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly – we recommend using Citadel Super Glue and Citadel Paints.

So we really wanted plastic sister of battles, but for now at least it looks like we’re getting a resin one (Finecast)?

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Sisters of Battle New Miniature Roundup

Time’s Up!