More New 8th Edition GW Store Exclusives Spotted!

ExclusivesWho likes swag? Checkout these Games Workshop in store exclusives that are only available for new store openings and anniversaries. 

Games Workshop Goya is going to be celebrating their 4 year anniversary on July 1st. They made the announcement on Facebook, and then posted some pictures of the one day exclusive swag that will be available.

Translated by Facebook:

Next Saturday July 1TH WE CELEBRATE THE 4th anniversary of gw goya, and for all the high! In this folder you will find all the merchandising, prices and quantities available only during our anniversary. And, obviously, that’s not all. Do you want to know what activities and gifts we have for you? Come see us to shop or consult our event on this facebook!

* all merchandising products will be available only on the day of the anniversary and no reservations will be made.

Book of illustrations The Emperor Protects 40 €

Iron / Painting Table 20€

Brushes Case 15€

Data ‘Eavy Metal 15 €

Primaris Captain with Combat Fist 25 €

The newest Primaris Marine was first spotted on Facebook, and looks to be currently only available at GW Stores:


This model will be available exclusively at our store Anniversary on 8th July.

You can buy him separately, or get him free if you spend £150 or more.

Want Your Own? 

Games Workshop stores may have you covered like in the past:

The opening of a new Warhammer Store is always an occasion to celebrate, and now more than ever, as you’ll have the chance to pick up these two exclusive miniatures.

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Games Workshop is stepping up their swag game, and giving everyone a great reason to celebrate the opening/anniversary of their local GW stores!

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