GW Teases 40k Reveals For Dead & The Divine Preview

new gw previews adepticon LVO nova openGW is doing its first preview of the new year, The Dead and The Divine, this Saturday and they just dropped a few teasers for it as well.

Today on Warhammer Community they posted the schedule, what games it will cover, and a small teaser. If you’ve been waiting for some news about your favorite faction, this could be it! If it’s anything like the Christmas preview, it could be filled with tons of new minis!

Whereas the New Year’s preview was more full of teaser pics, we’ll just have to wait and see the style they choose to go with, but we all just want those pics of new minis!

The Dead & The Divine, What it will Cover

dead and the divine previewThe big two are in there, 40k and AoS, but some of the other games made it in as well. We’re not sure about the 6th game, but it could easily be Necromunda when you look at the release schedule they posted late last year. For A0S and 40k, there are still tons, and we mean tons of rumor engines that have yet to see the light of day, so we have a lot to choose from.

But with the name of the event, we have some ideas (and a little hint from GW about what it could cover.) But before we jump into that, let’s look at when to watch.

When to watch previewIf you live on the west coast, be prepared to wake up early! Don’t worry though, we’ll cover everything so you can get that precious beauty sleep and still see everything!

The Teaser

dead and the divine preview 2This is pretty vague. Pretty hard to even guess on this one, since tons of minis could have something like this. This looks like it could be something very ghostly, maybe a flying style base for a new dead mini. But it could just as easily be a divine mini summoning his heavenly powers.

What Could Be in the Preview

We personally think the name is based around the AoS side of things, but it could easily also be for 40k. Why do we think that? Well, first off they mention Nagash in the post, secondly, we saw all kinds of stuff for “The Divine” in the New Year’s day preview. Let’s check those pics out.

The shot is a new character that originally was shown in the Rumor Engine Advent Callendar on day 16. Now with the body added, we see large wooden spikes, heavily illuding that this character is a form of vampire or beast hunter. It is very likely going to be a new AoS model and could very well be deemed as divine.

As the model turns, we can see a huge haft of a polearm or sheath for a large weapon.

This shield is very detailed, however, it’s hard to really get anything about the model other than it is wearing a red cloak.

The next shot is of a tattered cloak, which coincidently is also red. However, it’s hard to tell if the shield was a part of this model or a different one entirely. But the previews also showed something that could be “The Dead”.

This could be something for the dead. It could also be an Ork, but maybe it’s a mashup of the two! Let’s see what else could be coming.

The Dead & The Divine Adeptus Titanicus Minis

titanicus model


The first set of images are of what appears to be a knight, but with the supporting images, it’s probably a Titanicus model with at least one large plasma weapon in its right hand. We also saw this on the New Year’s Day preview, so we could easily see this coming.

The top deck with shoulder cannon armor plates also adds the idea it may be a Nemesis class titan, but just what if it’s actually a dreaded Imperator… that would be something!

The next shot of the titan is of one of the weapons, two giant barrels on plasma. It’s hard to make out if this is a different weapon than that of the first shot, but it may just be dual plasma weapons for both arms.

Possibly Necromunda as well

2021 roadmapWe’ve seen the reinforcements already announced, so w can bypass those for now. But with the House of Faith coming in Q2, before the slowdowns… it would make sense we get some pics of what could be on the way. We’re not 00% but it makes sense! Other than that, we’ll just have to see. Especially for 40k, with the slowdowns, we already know the next few factions, but maybe they’ll still show what could be on the way for a few months down the road.

What do you think the preview will cover? Are you excited about the new minis?

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