GW Teases 8th Edition Eldar Release Lineup

By James Rodriguez | October 15th, 2017 | Categories: Eldar, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

eldar saimhann

It’s Eldar’s turn for a new codex and a wave of new releases as GW just gave us a look at this week’s upcoming pre-orders. Come take a look at the latest…

The latest announcement from Games Workshop reveals this week’s new releases, which include the Codex: Craftworlds, Eldrad, new dice, and some out of production made to order minis. Let’s take a look at what they had to say.

It’s official – the next codex for Warhammer 40,000 (and the first xenos codex of the new edition!) is Codex: Craftworlds!

Codex Eldar Craftwords

Wow! Talking of Ghost Warriors, the new Start Collecting: Craftworld box has quite a few, featuring both a Wraithlord and some Wraithguard, as well as a War Walker and Farseer. This kit makes for a great start to your Craftworlds army, or as an addition to an existing force.

Eldar Start Craftwords

There are also some new dice on the way that are perfect for Craftworlds fans. There’s a grand total of 6 sets(!) for you to choose from, each representing a different Aspect Shrine.

Eldar Dice Eldar Dice

If you’re looking for a leader for your Craftworlds army, you’ll be happy to hear that Eldrad Ulthran – first seen in plastic in the Death Masque set – will be available to pre-order separately next week.

Eldar Eldrad

Next week also sees the Triumvirate of Ynnead repackaged for the new edition. As well as three awesome character models, this set contains full datasheets for everything inside, as well rules for fielding Ynnari detachments in your army, meaning you won’t need anything else to use them with your Craftworlds codex!

triumvirate of ynnead

This Aeldari release won’t just see the return of some classic rules, but some classic models, too! For one week only, starting Saturday next week, the latest wave of Made to Order models will give you your chance to get your hands on some rare and out of production Craftworlds miniatures. There are Farseers, Exarchs, and, most excitingly, the much-coveted Bonesinger and the classic Rogue Trader Farseer (who looks pretty great for 28 years old!).

Eldar Made to Order

We’ll be previewing the new codex in detail over the next week, starting on Monday

An oldie but a goodie returns, checkout the old Rogue Trader Fareseer bottom left, and the old exclusive Bonesinger model, center, both in the composite image above.

Do you remember the fabled Necromuda Farseer as well that unfortunately is NOT part of this offering?

Necromunda Farseer Yrthrian Mardawn  Courtesy of SOL

This looks like it’s going to be a nice start to the Eldar releases. This may be the last chance to get your hands on some old school minis, so you might want to jump right on it and get them ordered. Make sure you check back with us later this week for the prices of these releases, we’ll let you know as soon as we find out. Also, stop by tomorrow when Games Workshop will start previewing the new rules from the new Codex: Craftworlds.

Are you looking forward to the new Eldar releases? Are you going to be getting any of the out of production minis? Let us know in the comments below.

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