GW Teases NOV Tyranid Pre-Orders & More

By James Rodriguez | October 29th, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Games Workshop just gave us a look at this week’s upcoming pre-orders. It looks like we’re going to be getting the new Tyranids codex and more!

The latest announcement from Games Workshop reveals this week’s new releases which includes the Tyranids Codex, terrain, and a new hobby tool. Let’s take a look at what they had to say.

New week, you’ll be able to order a Tyranid codex worthy of the might of the Great Devourer, packed with updated rules, new ways to build your army and no fewer than SEVEN Hive Fleet Adaptations – new army-specific rules designed to represent the horrific diversity of the Tyranid swarms.

Preview Oct29 Codex Tyranids 2nd

These Hive Fleet Adaptations will cover the most well known of the Tyranid Hive Fleets – Behemoth, Kraken and Leviathan – as well as developing the background for four more – Gorgon, Jormungandr, Hydra and Kronos. All the adaptions have been designed to be fun, thematic, and powerful; Hydra, for example, can re-roll hits in close combat against units they outnumber (which, with Tyranids, shouldn’t be too tricky!).

The Ryza Pattern Ruins from the Moonbase Klaisus boxed set will also be available separately for the first time; these push fit scenery pieces make for easy-to-set-up line of sight blockers for your games of Warhammer 40,000.

Preview Oct29 Moonbase

These scenery bundles aren’t unique to Warhammer 40,000; there’s also a range of sets on the way for Warhammer Age of Sigmar, including the colossal Citadel of the Everchosen – a combined set that allows you to turn your Chaos Dreadhold into a massive eight-pointed star!

Preview Oct29 Dreadhold

Painting these sets might seem a little intimidating, but thankfully, there’s a range of new accessories and paint bundles on the way to help. We’ll be previewing all of these closer to release, but we think the nifty Citadel Painting Handle is going to be a tool all painters want to use. Gripping your model by the base, this handle makes it easy to paint hard to reach areas without potentially rubbing the previous paintwork off or getting a cramp in your hand.

Preview Oct29 Handle

We’re seeing a brand new hobby tool to help make painting a little easier, with the promise of more hobby tools on the way. We spotted the new Citadel Painting Handle in the How to Paint House Escher video, where Duncan can be seen using it towards the end of the video, as seen in the picture below.

new gw tool

This week’s pre-orders are also giving us two new terrain kits, and the release of the new Tyranids codex. Games Workshop will be showing off some of the new rules throughout the week, and we’ll have them right here for you with our full breakdown Makes sure you check back in with us tomorrow when we’ll have the full list of new pre-orders and their prices.

What do you think about this week’s new releases? Are you looking forward to anything in particular? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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