GW Teases The Heroes of Shadows Over Hammerhal!

Warhammer Quest Silver Tower 2Games Workshop just gave us a closer look at the heroes of the new Warhammer Quest: Shadows Over Hammerhal. The new minis are looking great!

Shadows Over Hammerhal is sure to impress, from what we’ve seen so far. Today we get a close look at the Heroes and a little bit of backstory on them.

Courtesy of Warhammer Community:

Arvios Sunhelm

Shadows Over Hammerhal Stormcast Eternal

A Lord-Castellant of the Hammers of Sigmar, this veteran of the Realmgate Wars fought at many of the great battles of that time. Now, he stands guardian over the great Free City of Hammerhal. Unlike many Stormcast Eternals Chambers, the Hammers of Sigmar are well integrated into the city populous – they act as living idols of the God-Kings benevolent light and mediate the many free races that call the Twin-tailed metropolis home.

Arvios Sunhelm is a fantastic looking Stormcast model, but that’s not all he is. He’s also a viable asset to your team, performing area of effect attacks to do damage and stun enemies. He carries with him the Castellant’s halberd which is putting out a good amount of damage, but this shouldn’t be relied on, he is a little slow on the moving scale and won’t be making any daring escapes.


Shadows Over Hammerhal Gryph Hound

Devoted companion to Arvios Sunhelm, Archimaine is a fierce and loyal Gryph-hound. The two have fought side-by-side for years.

Archimaine really is designed to be a companion to Arvios. Archimaine is definitely making up for where Arvios lacks in speed. He plays the same way the heroes do in the game. However, he does not have the ability to gain renown, gold, or artifacts.


Shadows Over Hammerhal Loremaster

An Aelven Loremaster of some skill, like many of his kind, Alnaryn can be aloof and arrogant, but his heart is pure and his blade is keen. He watches over the city for the looming threat of Dark Magic, and has foiled many a cultist plot and scheme in the years since the city’s founding.

Aelven is a Loremaster character. He does well in close combat and even possesses some ranged attacks. But where he excels is in giving your other characters a nice little buff. He has a Hand of Glory magical ability that will allow him to enhance his, or another hero’s, skill to super-natural levels.

Golnir Coalbeard

Shadows Over Hammerhal Cogsmith

All Cogsmiths have a natural affinity for mechanisms and gadgets, but Golnir Coalbeard is a master craftsman even amongst his kind. He fought alongside Arvios Sunhelm to secure the land that the city of Hammerhal is founded upon and was even involved in the initial creation of the city’s vast defences, a task which he continues to improve upon to this day.

Golnir Coalbeard is a Cogsmith, covered head to toe in armor giving him a nice save roll, a weapon in each hand, and a fancy pipe hanging from his mouth. He may not be the tallest of the heroes but he is deadly. His Grudge-Raker has the ability to clear entire rooms of enemies, not a guarantee though.

Vizrin Kyre

A Black Ark Fleetmaster of dread reputation, Kyre is feared by the servants of Chaos across the realms (and probably by a good few in the forces of Order). Both a monster-hunter, and a skilled swordsman, Kyre is ostensibly retired from the adventuring life…

Vizrin Kyre is a force to be reckoned with! Amazing with a sword, Kyre is extremely deadly in close range melee attacks. Don’t worry about those enemy missiles either, his Sea Dragon Cloak is providing protection from missile attacks, allowing you to charge in and start the annihilation of your foes.

The heroes are getting a nice little addition with the models, it seems like a really well rounded team. Will you be playing Shadows Over Hammerhal? Is this team of heroes what you were expecting to see coming out of the box? What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments below.

Shadows of Hammerhal

More on Shadows Over Hammeral