This is How 40k Would Be If It Had Double Turns Like AoS

By Wesley Floyd | January 10th, 2020 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Editorials, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k News

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We’ve seen AoS serve as a “tester” for the current version of Warhammer 40k. What if more AoS rules came to 40k, like the double-turn mechanic?

There’s definitely a love-hate relationship for the double-turn mechanic in games of Age of Sigmar. It can dig severely-losing players out of a hole and switch the tides of battle. Or just make the game go even quicker by giving the player that’s in a commanding lead a second turn to scoop up even more models. Either way, what would that be like in games of 40k?

9th Edition 40k Rumors Mention AoS

Apothecary Art Wal Hor 8th New 40k

As far as rumors go, Age of Sigmar was compared to the earlier 9th edition 40k rumors. While nothing was explicitly stated that AoS-style rules would be coming to the grimdark setting, Valrak did say this: 

I wouldn’t expect it to be like 8th edition. More like AOS 2.0 where all the books stay current with the exception of the main rule book which is fine tuned. 

So What Would a Double-Turn Mechanic Look like?

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Right away, since 40k is a more-shooty game than AoS, a double-turn mechanic could spell out certain doom for factions going against things like Tau and Space Marine gun lines. However, there’s something deeper to consider here…

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For the factions that favor melee, this may give them a second breath. As Ork’s competitive lists these days have never been more shooty, this could give a second-wind to melee-centric lists. While Orks have the volume of fire, their shooting is still not nearly as synergistic as their melee capabilities. And with a double-turn mechanic, this could really keep Orks from getting hosed off the table by other shooting lists that like to hang out in the far corners of the map deployed like a parking lot.

Sure, they’ll have to weather at least one turn of shooting from the enemy. However, winning the roll-off at the end of the first turn when you’ve already got Boyz in combat that you Jumped could really help secure the game.

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For armies like Khorne Berzerker-focused lists, this would be an even bigger deal. As they get to pile in and attack twice in a normal game, imagine getting to essentially pile in and fight four times before the enemy has a chance to react!

 Deepstriking Would Be More Effective

Space Marine Jump Pack

In the same sense, deepstriking would gain some power. If the player that went second in the first battle round secured going first in the second battle round, they would get to bring their reserves in before their opponent! Having that unknown element in the game can really make alpha strike lists a coin toss, but definitely a force to be reckoned with once again.

With all of this to consider, how do you feel about the double-turn mechanic? Would you like to see it added into 40k?

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