GW’s 40k Kill Team & New Release Lineup CONFIRMED

It's All About Kill Team in GW's Next Release Lineup

What’s next from GW? A whole truckload of 40k Kill Team releases. Check out all the confirmed prices of what you can pre-order soon!

Multiple retailers have confirmed the prices on what’s in store for us in the coming days ahead. Check out what you may want to spend your hobby $$$ on.

Kill Team Elites Book (SB)  $40

KT elites

If you’re wanting to use the new Elites in your Kill Team this book should be an auto-buy. You’ll be able to get the full look at all of the new units added into the game.

Toofrippa’s Krew $65

kt toofrippas krew

Rock the Orks that have the best kind of dakka around. Toofrippa and his krew are all Flash Gitz that are ready to blow apart the competition.

Fractal Blades $65

fractal blades

As for the Fractal Blades, these are all Thousand Sons Terminators geared with bolters and an autocannon. While they may only have 5 models, hopefully, they’ll get some psychic support paired with a nice 2+ save that make them worth their points.

The Dolorous Strain $65

dolorous strain

The Dolorous Strain is the named Death Guard Kill Team showcasing Death Guard Terminators with a whole host of weapons. With the way hitting and wounding works in Kill Team, the Death Guard might be a real pain to scoop off the table assuming they get anything similar to a disgustingly resilient rule.

Killzone: Sector Sanctoris $80

While no pictures have been reviewed, we’ve been hearing rumors about a new Killzone Sector on the way. We needed something to pair along with all of our new Elites!

Horus Heresy: Siege of Terra: Solar War (HB) $30

Agent/Throne: Ashes & Oaths (AB) $17.50

And there you have it! As you can see we’ve got a bunch of Kill Team hype coming as well as a splash of Black Library goodness. Let us know what you’ll be picking up and how you think Elites will play in Kill Team in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.