GW’s Best 40k Battleforce Boxes: 2019 Vs 2018

2019-40k-battleforces ChristmasGW’s Battleforce boxes for 2019 are looking to have some big values, but are they better than last year? Let’s compare 2018’s boxes with the new lineup!

Looking at 40k, there are plenty of new exciting Battleforces to choose from. (six in total). Plus, they’re all factions that weren’t covered in last years’ Battleforce wave. So with price hikes earlier in the year, what are the deals looking like compared to last year’s?

Starting off, all of last year’s Battleforces were priced at $170 across the board. However, the 2019 Battleforces range from $170- $185.

Looking at 2018’s wave of boxes first, it’s important to remember that we are using 2018’s prices of these units.

2018 Space Marines: Primaris Interdiction Force

space marines

Primaris Captain $35
Intercessors  $60
Reivers  $60
Interceptors $50
Repulsor $80

Total MSRP: $285
Total Savings: $115

2018 Imperial Fists: Supremacy Force

imperial fists

Primaris Captain $35
Intercessors $60
Helblasters $35
Aggressors $50
Redemptor Dreadnought $65

Total MSRP: $245
Total Savings: $75

2018 Ad Mech: Fist of the Ommnissiah

ad mech box
Tech-priest $30
Datasmith & Kasteallan Robots $69
Dunecrawler $66
Ruststalkers $46
Vanguard $39

Total MSRP: $250
Total Savings: $80

2018 Death Guard: Infection Cluster

battle force death guard
Foetid Bloat Drone $50
Plagueburst Crawler $65
Plague Marines $50
Bloghtlord Terminators $60
Nauseous Rotbone, the Plague Surgeon $25

Total MSRP: $250
Total Savings: $80

2018 Craftworlds: Asuryani Bladehost

craftworlds box

Wraithknight $115
Vyper $30
Windriders $41
Dire Avengers $35
Guardian Squad $36.25
Farseer $20

Total MSRP: $277.25
Total Savings: $107.25

2018 Necrons: Dominion Spearhead

necron boxDoomsday Ark $49.50
Tomb Blades $41.25
Tomb Spider $33
Warriors $36.25
Deathmasks $33
Immortals $33
Overlord $28

Total MSRP$254
Total Savings: $84

2019’s Battleforces

Now that we’ve taken a look at the 2018 Battleforce (that were $170) values, let’s compare this year’s Battleforces.

Blood Angels Crimson Spear Strike Force $185

blood angels battleforce 2019

  • 10-man Primaris Intercessors $60
  • 5-man Death Company $35
  • Sanguinary Guard  $40 
  • Baal Predator $60
  • Chaplain With Jump Pack $33
  • Terminator Captain $33

This box is coming with quite a few squads. But with 8th edition rules, the Sanguinary Ancient is a separate character from the normal Sanguinary Guard unit. You’re actually getting three characters and a single 4-man squad of Sanguinary Guard now (if you build them that way).

Total MSRP: $261

Total Savings $76

Tyranids Bioswarm $185

battleforce tyranids

  • Carnifex Brood $90
  • Hive Tyrant $60
  • 12-man Termagant Brood $35
  • 12-man Hormagaunt Brood $35
  • 8-man Genestealers $35
  • 10-man Gargoyle Brood $35

Total MSRP: $290

Total Savings: $105

Tau Empire Starclaimer Hunter Cadre $170

battleforce tau

  • Coldstar Commander $55
  • 3-man Stealth Suit Squad $30
  • 3-man Crisis Battlesuit Squad $75
  • 10-man Fire Warrior Strike Team $50
  • Devilfish $40

Total MSRP: $250

Total Savings: $80

Space Wolves Talons of Morkai $170

battleforce space wolves

  • 5-man Wulfen Squad $60
  • 10-man Intercessors $60
  • Stormwolf $81
  • Ironpriest $30

Total MSRP: $231

Total Savings: $61

Drukhari Poisonblade Raiding Party $185

battleforce dark eldar

  • Archon $25
  • 2x 10-man Kabalite Warriors $70 (total)
  • Venom $35
  • 3-man Reavers $40
  • Talos $55
  • Razorwing Jetfighter $50

Total MSRP: $275

Total Savings: $90 (Basically the price of a Start Collecting)

Chaos Space Marines Vengeance Warband $170

battleforce chaos marine

  • 5-man Terminator Squad $60
  • 10-man Chaos Marine Squad $60 
  • Havoc Squad $55
  • Chaos Rhino $40
  • Terminator Lord $30

Total MSRP: $245

Total Savings: $75

How Do The Savings Compare?

While 2019’s Battleforces don’t have flat prices across the board like the 2018 boxes, the savings are still totally comparable. Taking the average savings from each year’s wave of boxes, we can get a decent look into how our savings might have been changed in a year’s time.

  • 2018 Battleforce Average Saving: $90.21
  • 2019 Battleforce Average Saving: $81.17

It seems like we’re getting a bit less of a deal this go around. While the Battleforces are still totally usable, this is just another example of the steady price increase. Our hobby $$$ aren’t stretching as far these days.

What do you think of the contents inside the 2019 Battleforces? Did you like 2018’s boxes better?

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