GW’s New Last Chance to Buy List Seems a Little Scummy…

last-chance-to-buy-cames-workshop-warhammer-40kHere is why it’s important to read the entire listing, as the latest GW’s Last Chance to Buy List seems a little scummy…

The latest round of Last Chance to Buy Offerings by GW was potentially another misstep that could unfortunately further erode consumer confidence. Honestly, this is something that was totally avoidable, but the way they go about it really comes off as strange and kind of feels like they are trying to pull one over on everyone.

While getting notified of something leaving the site is a plus, it would have been nice for Games Workshop to actually be straight with everyone about the exact nature of the offerings.

Be Careful of GW’s Newest Last Chance to Buy List

may 17 last chance to buy 2Here’s what they had to say about the latest Range Rotation, or as they call it Last Chance to Buy.

As our range of models continues to expand, we have to make some room from time to time. A number of items for Warhammer 40,000 will soon be rotating out of the range – these include terrain, Ork characters, T’au accessories, and an array of Drukhari monstrosities. They’re not gone for good, however, and will return in due course. These miniatures will be rotated out on the 1st of May, so have a look at the list and see if there’s something you need to pick up while you can. 

As you can see, there is nothing mentioning any of these items being Made To Order, and/or the actual wait time in either their Warhammer Community post or their update to email subscribers when the post went live.

MTO Last chance

Why is that such a problem? Well, it means you’ll have to wait 180 days to get it. That’s right, about half a year until you get the miniatures. To us, that seems like something quite important you would want to know, upfront.

To be fair, it does say it in the description of the actual item, but nothing in any of their announcement(s) mentions it. Furthermore, it gets more confusing when the 40k terrain products on the same page are “in stock” and not MTO, but these figures have a 180-day wait. 

There’s more than one reason this feels bad, first, a lot of these kits have been super hard to get for Drukhari anyways, and instead of getting rid of the Finecast when they did the new codex, they just left them as Finecast or as the site rebranded that material:

“a finely detailed resin cast kit”

Now, after May 1st, who knows when you’ll be able to get units that are in the codex other than on the secondary market. Then, as you can see from the picture above, they are all actually on MTO, meaning you will be lucky to get them before the end of 2022! 

Especially when the terrain is just in stock…  So why go this route- who oversaw this and was like yeah perfect, last chance to buy our stock that requires it to be Made to Order?

Do we suppose it means everyone who orders before May 1st will get as many as they want? That’s a bit of a plus if so at least. Either way, remember to vote with your hobby dollars, and pay close attention to all the descriptions!

Grab These Kits Here if You Need Them MTO

Are you upset all these Xenos/ Drukhari offerings are going away and on MTO?

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