GW’s New Pre-Orders: AoS Echoes of War Box Set & 40k

new-next-week-echoes-of-doom-games-workshopGW revealed next week’s new releases, and the new AoS Echoes of Doom Box set, along with some Warhammer 40k, will be on pre-orders!

Games Workshop just let us in on all the new releases that will be going up for pre-order this coming Saturday at 1 PM Eastern time here in the states.

Now let’s look at next week’s Pre-Orders line-up for the new Echoes of War Box Set from Warhammer Community.

Age of Sigmar 2022 Roadmap for releases and battletomes

It’s also worth mentioning that the Deathmaster and the rest of the new Sylvaneth models will be available separately down the road. According to the updated roadmap above, we will most likely see them when their new Battletomes release later this summer.

Remember, Skaven are technically a Chaos Battletome.aos banner age of sigmar logo

Echoes of Doom Box Set:

Echoes of Doom


Along with 42 plastic miniatures, the Echoes of Doom boxed set includes a book filled with narrative info, new rules for fighting in the Realm of Fire, and battleplans that follow the Sylvaneth’s quest to hunt down the ratmen. There are also warscroll cards for the units in the box, and tokens to help you easily keep track of abilities in the heat of battle.

This is a bigger mix of old and new units than expected, but you still get three new units in the box. Two for Sylvaneth and one for Skaven. It does make sense, though, as if there were just new units for the Sylvaneth, the box wouldn’t make a ton of sense for players trying to get into the faction. 

Echoes of Doom box set

You can also find a whole host of gameplay gubbins, including a giant token sheet, a copy of the core rules, warscroll cards, and transfers. Of course, it wouldn’t be a battlebox without a new narrative supplement, diving into greater detail about the Sylvaneth-Skaven showdown and the struggle for the soulpods.

As they do with most of the boxes, there will be some additional rules and such in the box. If you want to check out the rules we’ve seen already from this box, click here.

9th warhammer 40k banner

On the Warhammer 40k side of releases, Games Workshop is putting two Combat Patrols on pre-order that many folks had been waiting for since the holidays.

Plus, the two new models inside Shadow Throne, the Blade Champion and Reductus Saboteur, are finally releasing!  Let’s take a look at the values of the contents inside both combat patrols.

Adeptus Custodes Combat Patrol:

Adeptus Custodes Combat Patrol

Following on from the events of Shadow Throne, the perfidious Genestealer Cultists and the Talons of the Emperor are mustering Combat Patrols to continue their respective missions across the Imperium. You’ll be able to prepare for these campaigns with Codex: Adeptus Custodes and Codex: Genestealer Cults, which are both packed full of thematic rules like devastating crossfire, and peerless battle stances.

If you’re in need of the Sisters models, this box is a good buy, but if not, it may be a pass.  Let’s check out what this will save you:

  • 10x Sisters of Silence: $110
  • Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike: $60
  • Vexilus Praetors: $60

Total MSRP: $230

Savings Versus Box Price: $80

Genestealer Cults Combat Patrol:

GSC Combat Patrol

Following on from the events of Shadow Throne, the perfidious Genestealer Cultists and the Talons of the Emperor are mustering Combat Patrols to continue their respective missions across the Imperium. You’ll be able to prepare for these campaigns with Codex: Adeptus Custodes and Codex: Genestealer Cults, which are both packed full of thematic rules like devastating crossfire, and peerless battle stances.

Overall of all the Combat Patrol Boxes, the new Genestealer Cults is a pretty good value in terms of both pricing and selection of models.

Let’s check out what this will save you:

  • 20x Neophyte Hybrids: $100
  • Magus: $32
  • Goliath Rockgrinder: $60
  • Aberrants: $42
  • Acolyte Hybrids: $42

Total Value: $276

Savings Versus Box Price: $126

Adeptus Custodes Blade Champion:

shadow throne blade champion

Leading the charge into the Cult’s lair is Aristothes Carvellan, a Blade Champion whose prodigious swordsmanship puts even his fellow Custodes to shame. Blade Champions are a new type of Character for Adeptus Custodes armies, who can switch between three different fighting styles to chop up any opponent, be they a colossal monster, a skilled leader, or a swarm of lesser creatures. 

The Adeptus Custodes have been itching for some love new model-wise and finally got it! We know now that this miniature is basically a souped-up Lieutenant and a decent leader overall.

Genestealer Cults Reductus Saboteur

Reductus Saboteur

To face such powerful warriors is to court death, and the Cult of the Pauper Prince knows that well. They turn to a hero of the Star Children’s revolution, Mersea Thrayk, a Reductus Saboteur who seeds the battlefield with explosives before battle is joined. Even the mighty Adeptus Custodes are hard-pressed to survive a mining charge detonating under their feet.

The Genestealer Cults new model is, of course, much more sneaky!

If you missed the latest few previews from GW, you can get all caught up on those from our coverage below:

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

Are you excited about the newest Age of Sigmar Echoes of Doom, or the 40k Combat Patrol box set pre-orders

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