Hidden Knowledge of Mars: Army of One Showcase

The Adeptus Mechanicus keeps many secrets that they don’t want the Space Marines to know, the hidden knowledge of Mars is for their eyes only!

Come see one amazing mini submitted by hobby maniac Maurice Wille.

Maurice has given us a great description, so take it away Maurice. I primed the complete Mini in Leadbelcher. For a dirtier look… I wash with Agrax Earthshade on the whole miniature. ornaments were highlighted with Skullcrusher brass and the head of the Omnissiah staff was painted with it. then I brushed dry with Necron Compound. Then came the robe on it … or what’s left of it.  Here I use the same colors as with all my other Admech coats. Mephiston Red> Agrax Earthshade> Mephiston Red> Evil Sunz Scarlet> Wild Rider Red> Fire Dragon Bright.

The vial on the back was washed with Nuln oil before filling. then layer after layer of Caliban green and Warpstone Glow came along. the small bubbles and the upper layer of the liquid were painted with moot green. By the way, the small monitor was painted with the same colors.
In the end, all the hoses came on. Typical warning pattern. as well as the thicker hoses with black and Thunderhawk blue as a highlight.
“Cawl has nothing on me!”

Interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits, and seeing your name in lights? We want those pics!