Hoax Alert: New Site Impersonating GW?

gw store shot wal horThere’s a new website out there that appears to be impersonating Games Workshop. How long will this one stay up, if it is indeed a hoax?

Games-Workshop us is a new site that appears at first glance to be a hoax site impersonating Games Workshop. The home button takes you to games-workshop eu which seems to refer to the Games Workshop webstore, but for some users it takes them to this version of games-workshop eu (which mirrors the .us site).

The big thing to notice about this site, is that news feed appears to be directly pulling from Faeit, a Warhammer news and rumor site for some unknown reason.

Faeit GW US

But it’s not just Faeit, they’re even pulling from Games Workshop themselves, with pages that are populated from Forge World, the White Dwarf looks to be the Magazine page, and Background looks to be the Regimental Standard. You can see the images below and compare the Warhammer World page on this site versus what actually appears on the the Warhammer World Latest News page.


Not all of the pictures match up properly, this could be due to the way the information is fetched, but the articles are verbatim.FW News Page

So if this is a Games Workshop site why would they be pulling from all of these other pages. Even the format of the page is the base layout that you see on two major hobby sites (one of which you are reading this article on), and not common with official Games Workshop websites.

Here’s where it gets a bit weird. According to the DNS information, these URLs were registered by a developer for the following admin at this listed address:

Games Workshop Group PLC

Willow Road 1

Lenton, Great Britain NG7 2WS



The chances of this site being a hoax attempting to impersonate GW may be extremely high, , especially because you would think those domain names of .us and .eu would be valuable to Games Workshop if they are not the actual owners already.

Maybe it’s a simply parking website for Games Workshop, maybe it’s a hoax. If it isn’t a hoax though, I suppose the next question would be why are GW’s developers scraping content from a rumors site, even it if is for a test?

What are your thoughts? Do you think this site is a hoax? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

santa kharn

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