One retailer is saying today that the Horus Heresy Betrayal at Calth Box may be nearly gone. Checkout the latest on this super deal!
Bits and Kits, a retailer out of the UK who Games Workshop has not gone after yet, like their counterparts in America, put out a newsletter today saying that the Betrayal at Calth box set may be nearly gone.
Just a quick email to let you know we have restocked Betrayal at Calth Kits.
We have found out that GW now has limited stock left of the box set so we
may not be able to get these for much longer or sell them in this formso to avoid disappointment get them while you can.
It’s unclear at this time whether this is a sales tactic or perhaps Games Workshop is running out of the Betrayal at Calth kit and will not be restocking them in lieu of the new rumored Horus Heresy Box set #2.
Time to buy, or save for the new hotness?
Source: Bits and Kits Photo: Black Library & BoLS
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