How Big is It? New Forge World Stormbird Unboxing!

By Zeb Barrett | August 2nd, 2016 | Categories: Forge World, Product Review, Warhammer 40k News

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It looks like someone was able to get their hands on the Forge World Stormbird before the official release! Check out these unboxing pictures!

For those of us anxiously awaiting the official release of the Forge World Stormbird, pictures like these will have to hold us over!

Source: Trident Miniatue Painting

Since i took today off work here is Stormbird update No1. Forgeworld has out done themselves with this kit It’s beautiful. Over the next few weeks ill be building this kit which when finished will be flying. Stay tuned.

forge world stormbird unboxing

forge world stormbird unboxing

forge world stormbird unboxing

forge world stormbird unboxing

And some update shots of the assembled fuselage from days later:

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Official release coming soon from Forge World:

More exciting First Access news for Warhammer Fest, the Sokar Pattern Stormbird can be yours before it’s on general release!+++ This is Servitor station 847/628. Ident verified. Scanning your vessel now.Due to ongoing xenos incursions, be advised that all Stormbirds are being rerouted to primary landing pads in Sector Alpha-Five. Proceed with caution; expect heavy enemy fire enroute +++
Checkout more pictures of the Stormbird below, and on our roundup from the Heresy Weekender:


Hard points for 6 underwing missiles with heavy Bolter turrets on the ends of the wings.
Two Fire-raptor based ball turrets on each side.
And it’s even got a defensive Heavy Bolter turret on the back for good measure.

From The Novels To the Tabletop: The History of the Stormbird