How to Make Icicles Out of Flying Stands? – TUTORIAL


Welcome back Hobby fans, today our friends over at Top Miniatures are showing us how to make some cool icicles for our snow bases!

The beauty of these icicles is just how easy they are to make!  All you need is a couple of your typical hobby tools, a tea candle and some GW flight stands!


Once you’ve lit the tea candle, hold one of the flight stands over the flame.  Make sure the stand is high enough so the flame doesn’t singe the stand.  Allow the stand a few seconds to heat up enough to be shaped.

Stand over candle

Once the flight stand is warmed up enough to stretch, you can begin to shape the icicles.  Stretch the flight stand out like its a gooey piece of candy in a commercial.  This needs to be done quickly, otherwise the stand will cool and you will have to re-melt it.

Stand Stretch

Clip the stand at the skinniest part and begin shaping your new icicle!  A touch of glue and you’ve got yourself a brand new Icicle!  These amazing little tricks can really up your base game!

Icicle bases

Check out the whole video for more details!