How To Paint a Primaris Impulsor From The Inside Out!

painting Primaris Impulsor rJon Bius has been putting out some really great beginner-friendly GW videos recently, and here’s how to paint a Primaris Impulsor! 

Jon Bius puts out some pretty good modeling content! He is all about helping you be a better modeler and painter! His channel has all kinds of stuff on it as well, so if 40k isn’t your thing, he has tons of other content to check out. Even though his stuff is focused on newer builders, you can really learn a lot from him! Let’s jump into the video.

How To Paint a Primaris Impulsor From The Inside Out!

Primaris Impulsor:

Primaris ImpulsorThis is just a really cool mini overall and he’s decided to go with a dark green Dark Angels theme for his.

Base Coating

painting Primaris Impulsor 2You can either prime yours dark green or go the way he went with Mr. Surfacer 100 and a few drops of green and black, it basically makes a primer. Once you have it primed, he starts with Caliban Green on a really large brush. He does it in a “drybrush” style that he learned from Artist Opus but keeping the paint wet. He just does big coats here and gets good coverage on the whole model.


painting Primaris Impulsor 3For this method of painting, he puts some foam in a Gatorade cap and puts some water in the bottom of it. Then every once in a while he moistens the bristles as he continues dry brushing. Next, break out the WAAAGH! Flesh and do a more traditional drybrush on all the areas from the top down to give it some shading.

Just do as many passes as you need until you are satisfied. Then take Warpstone Glow and switch to a smaller makeup brush. Use broad strokes from the top down to create tonal variation and layers and make sure you get some edge highlighting in there.

To finish this stage off switch to Moot Green and go to a smaller brush again. Do a much more focused drybrush here from the top down and all the raised areas.


painting Primaris Impulsor 4Paint all the control panels with Vallejo Black Grey, once that’s dry go over the raised areas with Sky Grey. All the inset metal pieces are painted with Leadbelcher and all the skulls bones, and such with Ushabti Bone. To finish it off he hits the buttons with red and yellow where he feels it looks good.

Shading & Highlights

painting Primaris Impulsor 5Start with Coelia Shade and hit all the little indents in the armor. Then paint the borders of the metal pieces in Balthazar Gold. He uses Ushabti Bone to highlight all the skulls and Mephiston Red to the purity seals and finishes them off with Wild Rider Red.


painting Primaris Impulsor 6He starts with the leather seat on the inside. Thin down Doombull Brown a ton and pull from the back of the leather seat to the front. Once dry, do the same process but start one brush length away from the back of the seat. Just keep doing layers until you are doing a single brush pull. To finish the seat off, take Tuskgor Fur and do a drybrush on the very edge of the seat. Next, we’ll glaze the computer screens.

Start with Kantor Blue and give them all a base coat on the entirety of it. Next, break out Ahriman Blue and glaze from the bottom to the top of the screens. Do a couple of layers and then get Baharroth Blue and do the same thing but just more in the top to give it a highlight.


painting Primaris Impulsor 7He tapes the edges of the floor off around the floor and takes Leadblecher and chips up the floor until he has an effect he likes. Next, he does a heavy layer of Agrax Earth Shade on everything he just did. This is just part one of the series, so if you want to see how he finishes everything off, be sure to check back in for the rest of the paint job! If you like what he is doing, check what else he has going on.

Be sure to subscribe to his channel for more hobby tutorials on everything from Airplanes to Warhammer!

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