How to Play Genestealer Cults in 10th Edition 40k: Rules Guide

gene-stealer-cults-new-rules-warhammer-40k-10th-Edition-gscNew 10th Edition 40k Genestealer Cults are here – from Stratagems, Datasheets, and army rules; here is our review guide on how to play them.

Exciting changes to the Genestealer Cults army’s gameplay, rules, and style are here with the release of their new Warhammer 40k index cards. This review guide provides an overview of the new index cards, including Stratagems, Datasheets, and army rules, to help players understand how to play Genestealer Cults in 10th Edition Warhammer 40k.

Additionally, we’ll take a closer look at the new rules, giving you everything you need to dominate the battlefield. Get ready to unleash the power of the cult and conquer your enemies with these revolutionaries!


How to Play Genestealer Cults in 10th Edition 40k: Rules Guide

The new GSC 10th Edition 40k rules come from Warhammer Community.

Updated army rule from the Dataslate.

How to play GSC

This is a decent NERF, but they are still near the top of the win rate and meta. It’s much harder to bring your units back, but again, they are still at the top of the meta. They also received no further NERFS in the January 2024 Dataslate, so GW must feel okay with where they are.

Original army rule

Genestealer Cults 10th Edition 40k Rules

Cult Ambush returns as the Genestealer Cults army rule, but with some major changes. Every Genestealer Cults INFANTRY unit now has the Deep Strike core ability, so most of your army can already show up where your enemy least expects it – instead, Cult Ambush allows you to martyr your squads for the rebellion, and then call in identical reinforcements inspired by their sacrifice!

Well, this is super strong, as you can get all your battleline units back on a 2+! Just be sure to put them far enough away from enemies that they can’t move to within 9″ of them as you set them up after the enemy’s movement phase. 

This means they will also have another turn to be shot at again, but they can just come back again.

Genestealer Cults Combat Patrol

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GSC Combat Patrol

Genestealer Cults Ascension Day Detachment Rules

Genestealer Cults 10th Edition 40k Rules 2

When your forces arrive as Reinforcements – whether by Deep Strike, Strategic Reserves, or through Cult Ambush – you also get to use the Ascension Day Detachment rule. They Came From Below!

It makes sense as your army arrives from the depths; they would be better at fighting as they just joined the fray and took the enemy by surprise!

Genestealer Cults 10th Edition 40k Rules 3

On top of that, you can still include Astra Militarum units in your army as Brood Brothers. This represents the Cult sending its tendrils into the ranks of the planet’s military forces, influencing those troops to recant their oaths to the God-Emperor and throw in their lot with the Patriarch.

It’s nice to still be able to include Imperial Guard units in your armies, and with tanks getting better, you might as well grab a few to bring to battle!

New 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Genestealer Cults Datasheets

Genestealer Cults 10th Edition 40k Rules 4

As though Cult Ambush recycling whole squads wasn’t bad enough, a Cult Icon can inspire replacements for destroyed models within each unit. If enemy tacticians think they can avoid triggering Cult Ambush by simply mauling and ignoring your troops, rather than destroying them, they’re sorely mistaken. Meanwhile, you can put the squad in a Goliath Truck to take advantage of its Firing Deck 12 ability.

First up, they can gain you CP for controlling objectives, and you can also return a ton of models to the unit if you’re on an objective! We’ve seen many weapons already, but the Mining Laser is quite strong with Strength 12, -3AP, and D6+1 Damage! If you remain stationary, you’ll hit on 4+ with it.

The same goes for the Seismic Cannon, but that gets more shots and far less AP and Damage. Oh yeah, and they, of course, have the Deep Strike ability, too!

Genestealer Cults 10th Edition 40k Rules 5

If the Neophyte Hybrids are the core of the army then the Patriarch is its alpha predator. This alien vector for genetic infection is a demigod to its followers, and when the Day of Ascension arrives, they’re at the forefront of the fighting.

Attach this fearsome creature to a unit of Purestrain Genestealers to grant them the Devastating Wounds ability, making it even easier to slice your way through your enemies with those lethal claws.

The Patriarch has a decent profile, an excellent Invulnerable save, and can deal a decent amount of wounds that get free re-rolls on wounds and can cause mortals, too.

Plus, he can confer the Mortal Wounds ability to the squad he joins too, which could be super strong depending on the new Tyranids rules.

After that, forcing a ton of Battle-Shock tests is always nice, especially if you have the familiar with him, as it goes to a 12″ range! Speaking of which, it looks like the Tau were not the only ones with “token” models now, as the Psychic familiar has also walked across the Rubicon Tokenius.

More New Weapon Rules

Genestealer Cults 10th Edition 40k Rules 6

Use those demolition charges to take out a single high-Toughness target, and the remote explosives to bomb enemy hordes wherever they hide. Hopefully, you won’t blow off half of your face like the Reductus Saboteur.

Even though it’s only one shot, that is one super strong shot! It should average 6-7 attacks hitting on a 2+ at Strength 12, -2 AP, and Damage 2. Plus, the Remote Explosives are also super strong with Indirect Fire and a ton of attacks.

Genestealer Cults 10th Edition 40k Rules 7

The old saying states that when you have a hammer, you see all problems as nails. Well, the Abominant doesn’t see problems or nails, just smashed bones and twisted metal after it’s hit them with its power sledgehammer.

The Abominant is perfect for running up and taking out vehicles of all types with Strength 12, -2 AP, and D6+1 Damage!

New Genestealer Cults Warhammer 40k Stratagems

Genestealer Cults 10th Edition 40k Rules 8

While the old Crossfire ability is no longer an army rule, there are still benefits to doubling up your units and catching unfortunate enemies in a Coordinated Trap.

Use this on a couple of Neophyte Hybrid squads in the Shooting phase to gun down your foe in a hail of hybrid firearms,** heavy stubbers, and seismic cannons. Alternatively, use it on a pair of Hybrid Metamorph squads to tear through an enemy with a pincer movement of metamorph mutations. 

While Crossfire is gone, this is a pretty great buff for 2 Command Points. If you cast this on two big units, they will get pretty buffed up, but you can only target one enemy unit, so make it count.

Genestealer Cults 10th Edition 40k Rules 9

As we’ve seen, your squads are already dangerous enough when they arrive on the battlefield – but these Tunnel Crawlers can be even more troublesome if they pop up right next to a target unit.

It kind of stinks you can’t charge on the turn you come in, but if you have a bunch of short-range weapons or flamers, this could let them come on and destroy the unit.

How To Play Warhammer 40k Genestealer Cults: Points

Balance Datasheet munitorum points changes warhammer 40k

You can find the latest points for playing this faction in 10th Edition Warhammer 40k here on our Munitorum Field Manual Points Updates Page.

Latest 40k Rules Updates For the Genestealer Cults:

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The latest updates for the Genestealer Cults 10th Edition rules will be released in what Games Workshop calls a Balance Dataslate, sometimes along with accompanying points changes as well.

You can see all the latest Balance Dataslate updates here in our post, which breaks down the most recent changes.

Genestealer Cults YouTube Review:

Watch the video below for some more insights into the faction.

Is It Still Worth Playing Genestealer Cults in 10th Edition?

Of course! They are an exciting army, have a ton of cool mechanics, and are dominating the meta right now! They are also just super fun to hobby on, so they are definitely worth diving into.

10th edition year 1 roadmap

Updates, in general, for any game are just good business. That being said, it also seems like in 2023-2024, GW will have its hands full trying actually to get out all these codexes.

However, GSC isn’t even on the list, meaning you’ll probably be playing out of the index for a while. Which is totally okay, considering how good their index is!

Players of Genestealer Cults in 10th Edition can expect fun changes to their gameplay, rules, and style with the Warhammer 40k index cards. With the new rules and weapons, players can unleash the power of the cult and dominate the battlefield.

    All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

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    About the Author: Travis Pasch

    Travis Pasch

    travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

    Socials: @paschbass 

    About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

    Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

    Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!