How to Speed Paint a Nihilakh Dynasty Necrons Kill Team

Speed Paint Necron Kill TeamLearn how to speed paint your Nihilakh Dynasty Necrons Kill Team with this painting tutorial from Peachy and the Painting Phase!

Peachy has recently joined the Painting Phase and has started making excellent painting tutorials on YouTube! They also have a Patreon, so if you want to show extra support and get great rewards, go check that out here!

If you’re looking for an easy way to paint your new Necrons Kill Team but don’t want to spend too much time on them, this tutorial will help you tackle the steps without much hassle!

How to Speed Paint a Nihilakh Dynasty Necrons Kill Team

Speed Paint Necron Kill Team 2He broke some of his models down into a sub-assembly, but that’s optional, and you don’t have to. Then, he sprays them all with Leadbelcher, but you can use any silver color that’s your favorite.

Step 1:

Speed Paint Necron Kill Team 3First up, you want to put Nuln Oil over the entire model; it does not need to be too neat, as you want good coverage. Next up, you take Iron Hands Steel and do a quick drybrush to pick out the highlights. Then, he picks out any black details with Black Legion and a thin coat of this on the guns.

Whatever he wants to be green, Peachy then picks out with Bold Titanium White. For anything he wants to be glowing, he thins down the white heavily and puts a little bit around the edge, like in the picture above.

Step 2:

Speed Paint Necron Kill Team 4To get the glow effect, he takes Striking Scorpion Green and puts this over all the white areas. Instead of spending a ton of time glazing, he uses his finger and wipes off some of the excesses. Here, you could already put these on the tabletop (after basing them) and start playing. However, we’re going to go a few steps further.

Step 3:

Speed Paint Necron Kill Team 5Peachy designed the scheme for Nihilakh back in the day, so he’s a great person to teach it! To start, take Retributor Armour and basecoat all the gold areas with this. For the blue details, he uses Ahriman Blue. He then puts Agrax Earthshade over both the colors we both did.

Step 4:

Speed Paint Necron Kill Team 6Now it’s time to base your models. He starts with Astro Granite and does this all over the base. Once dry, he thins down Guilliman Flesh and applies this all over. Next, he drybrushes the whole base with Rakarth Flesh. To brighten up the bases, he then takes The Army Painter tufts and sticks them on the base where he feels it best fits.

Now, you could totally play games with them like this, but he’s going to take it a step further.

Step 5:

Speed Paint Necron Kill Team 7To start, he picks out more details with Ahriman Blue and then picks out any gold markings over the turquoise with Retributor Armour. He does a lot of freehand here, so only do what you’re comfortable with, but remember, you can always fix your mistakes! To highlight the silver, he takes Chrome Model Air from Vallejo and highlights all the steel.

Using Striking Scorpion Green, he adds some detail to the blades; basically, he does a darker coat over the lighter green to add shadows. To go even darker, he adds Warp Lighting next. To finish off the weapons, he highlights them with white and then brings them back a little with Striking Scorpion Green.

Finished Models:

Speed Paint Necron Kill Team 8There you have it, a super fast way to get great-looking minis on the tabletop in under 25 minutes, a model, is not too shabby!

Be sure to check out the full video below for all the tips, or you can check out the links below for more content! 

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