Imperial Fists Datasheets, Traits, & Special Rules REVEALED!

imperial fists new rules title space marinesImperial fists are coming in hot with their new Space Marine codex supplement. Check out their Datasheets, Traits, and special rules!

We knew The Sons of Dorn were getting support. Between a new named character and a codex supplement, we’ve been waiting to see the new rules.

Coming from Glacial Geek on Youtube, we’ve got another closer look at the Fists Codex Supplement. Don’t miss what they’re getting and let us know of any crazy combos you see.

Tor Garadon

imperial fist primaris 1

Looking at the next Primaris addition to the Imperial Fists, we’ve got Tor Garadon. He’s coming to play with Aggressor armor and a shoulder-mounted grav-gun as well as what looks to be a supercharged power fist. If anyone is going to have a decent power fist it’s going to be the Imperial Fists.

imperial fist primaris 2

With the same camera mounted on his back as the Iron Father Malkaan Feirros, he may very well be giving the 2+ BS bonus to friendly units within 3″ as well.

imperial fist primaris 3


tor garadon datasheet


Check out the stats of this guy. He’s a named Primaris character in Gravis armor coming to the Fists. He’s got the same basic stats as Gravis armor gives but with a whopping 7 wounds and 5 attacks (6 on the charge). He’s essentially a named Captain, letting everyone reroll 1’s around him. However, he’s also got a grav-gun instead of the normal boltgun that Gravis characters have. In addition, he’s got a spicy 3-flat damage Sx3 power fist that DOES have a -1 to hit.

Being a named character, he has to have some special rules right? Signum Array, gives a unit within 3″ of himself a BS of 2+. This is something we first saw with the Iron Hands Malkaan Feirros. However, Siege Captain gives Garadon 1 bonus damage doing 4 a pop against buildings and vehicles. He’s the Imperium’s next Kool-Aid man for sure.

Imperial Fist Codex Rules & More

This Chapter, like the Iron Hands, plays off of the Devastator Doctrine. If you stay in this bracket of rules, you get a nifty +1 damage to all heavy weapons. Being that this is the first Doctrine you always start in, there’s really never any reason to move.

Devastator Doctrine

  • +1 damage with heavy weapons against buildings and enemy vehicles while the Devastator Doctrine is active.

Named Character Points

  • Pedro Kantor- 150 pts
  • Tor Garadon- 140 pts
  • Darnath Lysander- 130 pts

Warlord Traits

imperial fist warlord traits

The way it looks, the Crimson Fists are only getting three specific Warlord Traits to choose from while the Imperial Fists get the full 6. With that said, the image is a bit blurry. However, we’ve got the breakdown transcribed for you.

  • Fleetmaster: Once per battle, if your Warlord didn’t move, you get a free Orbital Bombardment without the CP. (might be worth it if it’s essentially free. the Strat has been pretty useless since its existence, however).
  • Stubborn Heroism: Your Warlord can’t fall back but you halve any damage he would take.
  • Refuse to Die (Crimson Fists): If your Warlord dies, he can come back with D3 wounds remaining on a 4+.
  • Siegemaster: When resolving an attack against a building or vehicle with this Warlord, add 1 to the wound roll.
  • Indomitable: Attacks can’t wound your Warlord on anything better than a 4+.
  • Architect of War: When resolving an attack against a friendly unit within 6″ of this Warlord, units in cover add an additional +1 to their armor save against AP -1 weapons. Note that this only procs on AP -0 to -1 weapons. A las cannon will still melt these guys and this is the same Warlord Trait from the index.
  • Hand of Dorn: You get D3 CP before the start of the battle.

Crimson Fist Warlord Traits

  • Refuse to Die: The first time this warlord is slain, on a 4+ he comes back with D3 wounds remaining.
  • Tenacious Opponent: When chosen to fight, if there are at least 5 enemy models within 6″ of the Warlord, add D3 to the attack characteristics.
  • Stoic Defender: Units within 6″ of the Warlord have Objective Secured. If a model already has its (all troops do), they count as being two models instead of one.

Imperial Fist wal Centurion

There certainly has been a lot covered for the Fists. With all of this support being almost entirely brand new, how do you think these guys will shape the meta?

What combinations will you be trying when you get your hands on this book?

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