Iron Without, The Army That Changed My Life! RETRO

iron warriors wallpaper

Welcome back hobby fans! Today we’re taking a trip to the past and revisiting this amazing 3rd edition Iron Warriors horde!

Rob has always been a huge Iron Warriors fan, his collection spans so many editions growing larger with each year!  Today he is digging into the depths of his closet to show us all the amazing models in his Iron Warriors army!

Full Army

Back in the day Iron Warriors could bring all sorts of heavy artillery, they were the first Chaos Marines who could bring Vindicators!  They could also bring along a Basilisk or a 4th Heavy Support slot by sacrificing 2 of their Fast Attack slots.  This was a major game changer, and made Iron Warriors the all-stars of the 3rd edition Chaos Space Marine Codex.


For a long time Games Workshop even sold an Iron Warriors boxed set with pewter upgrade components to trick out your Chaos Marines in Legion specific details!  Rob built TONS of these guys!

Editors Note: That Vindicator is the old Forge World resin one, before GW made the plastic version we know today!

Chaos Marines

This amazing Abbadon conversion using the Chaos Marine Terminator Lord model stands alongside Rob’s cadre of counts as heroes such as his converted Vulcan or his amazing multi-option Lord on chaos steed!


This killer Defiler Rob converted uses a predator turret and is posable!


Converted Havocs and Multi-meltas round out Rob’s heavy weapon collection!  Rob used to run these guys using the 5th edition Space Marine codex, hence the Multimeltas!


Converted Obliterators from back when the Obliterators were pewter!  And a Land Raider that was the very first thing Rob ever Airbrushed!

Land Raider and Obliterators

Rob has a whole motor pool of assorted vehicles, including some of those awesome Space Marine Stalkers. Many of these vehicles are painted using some killer airbrush techniques.

Motor Pool

Rob heavily converted his terminators using magnets to allow for massive customization at a moments notice.


More Chaos Marines surround Rob’s chaos Thunderfire Cannon and Warpsmith.


GW even used to make Legion specific Character models such as this Warsmith model that Rob has converted to be a sergeant.

WarsmithCheck out the whole video for even more coverage of this enormous army!