Hidden In Plain Sight? GW’s 2019-2020 Releases


Have some of Games Workshop’s future releases been hiding in plain sight all along?  Signs may be pointing to yes. Check this out!

We’ve seen GW release a whole slew of unique models inside of games like Blackstone Fortress, Silver Tower and more. But have you noticed that we’ve been seeing the models pop up in clam packs slowly over time? Check out a few of these examples here we’ve already seen.

Silver Tower Models Released After the Game

silver tower

Releases in 2016, Silver Tower was a quest-style board game where players can be certain characters in the AoS universe. They venture into the Silver Tower and try their best to make it out alive. But check out some of the models that made their way to the larger tabletop game of Age of Sigmar.


With the most recent of the bunch, the Doomseeker was spotted making his way to the Fyreslayers faction for AoS. Originally, he was a model found in Silver Tower.

ogroid thumaturge

The Ogroid Thumaturge was also spotted in the Silver Tower box game originally, but now you’re able to buy him individually and throw him into your Tzeentch force for Age of Sigmar.

darkoath chieftan

The Darkoath Chieftain was another character that made his appearance in the Silver Tower. after a while, he got his own package and was sold on the shelves for AoS.

darkoath nightvault 2

Darkoath Warband

What’s more interesting is that the Darkoath also made an appearance in Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault. While the Warband doesn’t have the Darkoath Chieftain within its ranks, they are definitely are from the same “faction”. Sadly, they don’t have an entire fighting force on tabletop AoS big enough for an all-Darkoath army. Is that something we could potentially see in the future?

Blackstone Fortress Releases?

blackstone evil 2

Blackstone Fortress is going on its second expansion now with the Traitor Commissar and Bullgryn. But looking at the first box, the head “bad guy” was the Chaos Lord and Marines with their own special sculpt.

blackstone fortress

We’re just now seeing the Chaos lord hit the shelves in a clam pack too, along with the full wave of Chaos releases. So does that mean we could see more units from the Blackstone Fortress come to stores like boxes of Traitor Guard en masse?

What about the Imperial characters, the Eldari, or even the bad guy models like the Dark Mechanicum or Beastmen etc.

man of iron


One final note. We know that there is a Man of Iron in Janus Draik’s party. When hobbyists realized that he wasn’t a brain-dead robot. Rather he was a Man of Iron that slapped an Aquilla on his chest, they went wild. With GW discovering the popularity of the Man of Iron, could we see a full robot release/minigame of some kind? Could it be a skirmish style Box Set revolving around the dark age of technology or something similar?

All in all, we’ll know soon enough as GW has stated several times there’s roughly an 18-month turn around window from concept to production. Check back here this time next year to see what GW may or may have rolled out from Blackstone Fortress into its main product lines.

These are just a few examples of some of the trends we’ve seen from GW. What do you think could be on its way to the stores next from these boxed games? Is GW testing to see how high the demand on certain models are before they mass produce them in their own boxes?

Let us know what you think in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.