Is That a Skyrim Nirnroot in the Latest GW Rumor Engine?

gw rumor engineIt’s that time again! GW revealed a new rumor engine and if you’re a Skyrim/Oblivion fan you’ll know exactly what this looks like. Check it out.

Warhammer Community revealed another mystery bit. While we don’t know where this bit will end up exactly, it’s definitely no debate that we are looking at some kind of plant. Get a look for yourself.

GW Reveals A Nirnroot in Latest Rumor Engine!

rumor engine 2-25-2020From what we can see, it looks like some kind of plant sprouting from the ground. (You can see a little bit of dirt on the bottom right frame of the pic). But more importantly…

nirnrootNyuuuuuum Nyooooooooooom!

It looks A LOT like Skyrim’s nirnroot. So let’s get into what could really be behind this bit. For starters, the fact that it’s a plant doesn’t really help us narrow anything down. This could easily be some kind of decorative basing material that’ll coincide with a new unit.

lumineth realmlords light of eltharionHowever, we’ve seen all sorts of scenic bases pop up recently. (Fallen statues for Shadowsun and Mephiston, concrete barriers for Shrike. Even rocks and weeds for the new Light of Eltharion unit for the Lumineth Realm-lords).

lumineth realm-lords terrain rumor engineSpeaking of Lumineth Realm-lords it’s also worth pointing out that their faction has been showing off a lot of unique vegetation in their minis. From bonsai trees to weeds blowing in the wind, it’s totally reasonable to think that this rumor engine bit could appear on a Realm-lords model.

We know we haven’t seen the entire faction line yet either…

More New Lumineth Realm-lords Hidden In Plain Sight!

realm-lords-wal-horEven more models for the Lumineth Realm-lords might have just been spotted hiding in plain sight. Check out the latest bits seen in a preview! Read More

With all of this pointed out, do you think the rumor engine could very well be on some not yet seen Realmlords unit for AoS? Or is it something for 40k? 

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