Is the Avatar Back? GW Previews Biel-Tan

By James Rodriguez | October 18th, 2017 | Categories: Eldar, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Games Workshop just gave us another preview for Codex: Craftworlds, and it looks like Biel-Tan & the Avatar is may be a force to be reckoned with.

Games Workshop revealed another rules preview from Codex: Craftworlds. Let’s take a look at what they had to say about Biel-Tan.

The Craftworld Attribute

Craftworld Biel Tan Swordwind

It’s no secret that Aspect Warriors are the core of any Craftworlds army, and Swordwind is going to help you pass those dreaded Leadership tests should some fall in battle. This Craftworld Attribute makes your Aspect Warriors even more durable and deadly. You add 1 to the Leadership characteristic for units with this aspect, and re-roll hit rolls of 1 for shuriken weapons used by these units. Almost all Craftworld units and vehicles have access to shuriken weapons, and Kurnous’ Bow is also a shuriken weapon, so you will be able to make great use of this attribute.

Craftworld Biel Tan Strata Feigned Retreat

But for those times when you need to get out of dodge quick, Feigned Retreat is a perfect option. For 2 CP’s you can use this Stratagem is an Asuryani unit from your army Falls Back. That unit will still be able to shoot and charge this turn. Get out of combat, shoot, then charge right back in. This will work really well with your your Dire Avengers short-ranged defensive style of play.

Craftworld Biel Tan Strata Avatar Resurgent

The Avatar Resurgent is 3 CP’s, a little more expensive, but worth its weight in gold, er magma. This is going to help keep your Avatar of Khaine alive a lot longer. After an Avatar of Khaine has been slain, and the enemy unit that slew it has resolved it’s attacks, roll a D6, and the Avatar of Khaine stays on the battlefield with that many wounds remaining.

Craftworld Biel Tan Strata Court Young King

For 2 CP’s, Court of the Young King is going to be a great choice for and offensive Stratagem. It’s letting you pick a Biel-Tan Aspect Warrior unit add 2 to your charge rolls, and re-roll hit rolls of 1 if it contains Exarch. But if that unit is within 6″ of the Avatar of Khaine when you use the Stratagem, then you get to add 3 to the charge roll, and re-roll all failed hit rolls. Charge on in from a distance and get to swinging.

All in all,  Biel-Tan is looking like it’s going to be a very well-rounded and deadly army! Make sure you check back in with us tomorrow when they reveal new rules for Saim-Hann and the re-tuned and much improved Jetbikes.

What do you think about the latest rules preview? Does it have you excited to play your Eldar? Or, does it make you a little worried to play against them? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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