Are The Doom of Mymeara Eldar Corsair Rules OP?

By Rob Baer | January 15th, 2016 | Categories: Long War TV, Podcast, Videos, Warhammer 40k News

eldar warp hunter big mymeara

New Year, MORE NEW 40k! The Eldar are back on the scene with the new Corsair Raiders List. Come see how good it really is!

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Another Long War Two-Fer is HERE – Checkout our fantastical webcast and new and exciting podcast of table-top wargaming awesomeness.


In our latest podcast we talk about the new Eldar Corsair Raiders Army list from the Doom of Mymeara book.

The new Doom of Mymeara Second Edition came out recently to little fanfare, however it contains what may be the most game changing Eldar rules from 2015. Inside the book is not one but TWO Eldar rules sets that have breathed new life into the faction that has seemed to divide the 40k community since Codex: Craftworlds burst on to the scene last year.

mymeara corsair raiders

Which specializations are YOUR favorite?

Is The Doom of Mymeara OP? – The Long War Podcast Episode 34
