It Looks Like GW New Releases are Back on Track

new-gw-releases-happy-guars-man-crispIt looks like weekly new releases from Games Workshop are back on track with tons coming for both 40k and Age of Sigmar!

Let’s hope this is true! They have previewed so many minis over the past couple of months, and things are getting really backed up. With so many releases still waiting in the wings, they would need to get back on track to have even the current previews out in any relevant time frame.

With the cancellation of New Model Mondays and three weeks straight of new stuff, it looks like GW releases are back on track.

It Looks Like GW Releases are Back on Track

Cursed city layoutCursed City is the latest of the 3 weeks’ worth of releases, with Drukhari and Lumineth being the other two. They also stopped doing the New Model Mondays which felt kind of like a stop-gap to keep people interested while nothing new was coming out. With the possibility of going back to the original schedule, we really hope this means two codexes a month for 40k. Because right now, they are coming out painfully slow. The power gap between armies is obvious and there are a ton of books that need to come out. With the current schedule of once a month, some factions would have to wait forever.

There are so many minis that have been revealed, if they speed up the releases, we could see a ton of great new stuff very soon.

Let’s look at some of the stuff we can look forward to!

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Coming 40k Releases


paragon warsuit 3These are sure to hit hard and be decently durable. If they have anything in common with the Dreadknights, they were one of the better models in their lineup, so this might be pretty good on the tabletop.

Adepta sororitas Dogmata 2

While this didn’t get the best reviews… It’s still a new mini to look for!

With them having so many minis teased, we could easily see their book released alongside Ad Mech.

Skitari MarshalSpecialised in directing their troops from the front line and leaving the important plans up to their masters, the Skitarii Marshal makes an excellent lieutenant for the Machine God’s armies and will ensure their Rangers make the most of every shot.

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Skitarii codexThey haven’t just been building a new commander, either. The entire range has been given the once-over by its Tech-Priest masters, and soon you can find the fruits of their labour in the freshly updated Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus.

Well, we know what book is coming next, but if they are really back on track, we could have two new books next month!

beast snagga orkWe’ll be finding out more about these boyz in the near future, so make sure you keep your eyes firmly trained on Warhammer Community and discover what you can do in the face of this new threat.

They don’t say too much about this model in the WHC post, but during the stream, the two hosts did mention this big boy was called a Squighog. A new CHONK-ier Squig who is sure to make a more fearsome cavalry than a standard Squig. We’ve also seen an Ork Coin in the wild and some little pics for other new Ork minis, and we all want more Orks!

Coming AoS Releases

New Be'lakor broken realms



New Be'lakor

We’ve already seen some rules previewed for the Daemon and know he’s going to get a Broken Realms book. If you want to see more about him, check it out here.

Kainan's reapersAs with most WHU releases, fancy new rules and ways to play are being introduced, and this Warband really likes to harvest their foes. They may not be amazing in AoS when their rules hit, but they would certainly fit right into any undead army once they get their Warscroll for AoS after the release.

soulblight gravelordsThe new faction of course brings a new battletome, with new rules, lore, battleplans, & everything associated with faction releases in AoS.

blood knightsLeading legions of the undead in their conquest are the Vampire Lords, frighteningly powerful, immortal tyrants (and definitely not someone to cross in a dark alley), and their elite vampire Blood Knight cavalry.

new skeletonsThe Deathrattle Skeletons form the backbone of many Soulblight Gravelords armies, lending the martial might of fallen heroes to the vampires’ dread ambitions.

ZombiesDeadwalker Zombies, as you might imagine, aren’t the fastest or most skilled of combatants, but that’s scant comfort when thousands of the blighters are slowly shuffling towards you.

Let’s hope they get back to the normal release schedule because this is just some of what’s already in the works!

There have been some promising signs as of late, but let’s hope the world doesn’t slow them down again. With worldwide shipping impacted because of a certain ship that got stuck, there’s is still a chance this is all just wishful thinking…

Do you think we could see them back on a normal schedule? What’s your favorite mini that’s been previewed?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! You can also support us on Patreon and get ad-free access to the site, plus a ton of minis that helps support some of the best creators out there!