40k 8th Changes Again As New ITC SoCal FAQ Drops

ADMECH AM codices

The 40k competitive scene is changing again as ITC just dropped a SoCal Open FAQ of sorts for the Ad Mech and Astra Militarum codices . Let’s take a look!

As seen on the SoCal Open Facebook page, Reece from Frontline Gaming was fielding questions concerning the Astra Militarum and Adeptus Mechanics codices. This weekend is the cutoff for new material and rulings on players’ questions. Here is what he had to say:

So, to preempt a few that I have already answered (please bear in mind these are not “official” GW rulings and will be overridden by any FAQ they produce, and are for the purposes of answering questions for the SoCal Open event only):
1.) The Take Cover! stratagem only works on Astra Militarum units.
2.) The Scryerskull Stratagem does not let you shoot out of phase.
3.) Eylsian Plasma Guns are damage 2.
4.) You may only take 1 Elysian Command Squad per Elysian Officer.
5.) Elysians and Death Korps may not choose Regimental Doctrines from the AM book but may use non-regiment specific rules from the book such as Stratagems.
6.) The Leman Russ may remain stationary and still use the Grinding Advance rule.
7.) Litany of the Electromancer is resolved right when it is picked.
8.) Laurels of Command relic allows you to issue one order which is resolved and then a different order (on a 4+ per the item description, of course), which is then resolved.
9.) Only one of the units chosen to use the Tallarn Ambush stratagem may be a Tallarn Titanic vehicle.
10.) Vehicles that have come on to the table using the Tallarn Ambush stratagem are considered to have moved their full distance for the purposes of rules such as Grinding Advance.
11.) The Dagger of Tu’Sakh Relic may only be taken on an Infantry Character and may only be used to put <Regiment> infantry in reserves with the bearer.

socal open

This post would turn into a lengthy comment and reply thread as players were able to clarify potential issue with armies and tactics they wanted to use. What has been rather cryptic is the ruling concerning the Tallarn Ambush stratagem.

The AM Codex states that three Tallarn units can be chosen. It does not limit what can be chosen. Also, according to this FAQ addendum, the Tallarn are considered to have moved their full distance when coming on to the table using the aforementioned stratagem. In essence, this nullifies the use of Grinding Advance for the chosen units.

These are just some of the rulings that are discussed in the thread. Be sure to click the Facebook page link to see what else was discussed.

What would you have liked to see in this addendum?

Were you hoping for rulings on units/stratagems/relics/etc. that have not been made yet? What do you think GW will come out with in their FAQ?

Let us know in the comments below!