JOYTOY Helbrecht, Emperor’s Champion & More 40k Action Figures Hit Pre-Order!

JOYTOY Helbrecht featureThe next JOYTOY 40k Space Marine pre-order is here; this time, it’s Helbrecht, the Emperor’s Champion, a Chaos Terminator Lord, and more! 

If you’ve been looking for something to spice up your collection, these new Warhammer 40k JOYTOY action figures might be perfect! This time, we get a couple more named characters, and a few generic ones, with the Black Templars getting all the named ones. Maybe, we’ll see some more named chaos characters soon, but a Terminator Lord is always awesome. 

A lot of the pre-orders sell out pretty quickly, so if you want them, don’t wait around, or you’ll have to wait until they are restocked!

40K JOYTOY Black Templars High Marshal Helbrecht: $81.80

Click on these links to order yours for less:  Flyima | Locker Toys Entertainment Earth Sideshow Collectibles Amazon | or eBay |

JOYTOY HelbrechtThis figure looks really cool, and if you have the miniature version, might as well grab the big version to lead your forces!

JOYTOY Helbrecht 2At first glance, they packed some great detail into this figure, and he looks very much like the mini!

JOYTOY Helbrecht 3He comes with two head options and a few extra bits, but for named characters, they usually don’t get a ton of extra pieces (not even someone to buff his armor.)

Emperor’s Champion Bayard’s Revenge: $54.19

Click on these links to order yours for less:  Flyima | Locker Toys Entertainment Earth Sideshow Collectibles Amazon | or eBay |

JOYTOY Helbrecht 4When you really need to destroy the enemies of the Emperor, you break out the Champion!

JOYTOY Helbrecht 5It’s nice to have the helmeted version just in case you like protection over cool points.

JOYTOY Helbrecht 6He’s got a lot of pieces, and it would be cool to see someone recreate the base with him slaying an Ork!

Black Legion Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour: $81.80

Click on these links to order yours for less:  Flyima | Locker Toys Entertainment Earth Sideshow Collectibles Amazon | or eBay |

JOYTOY Helbrecht 7Considering we saw a Terminator squad not too long ago, it’s nice to have a leader for them.

JOYTOY Helbrecht 8He has more options than most characters, and should strike fear into your opponents!

Primaris Captain with Relic Shield & Power Sword: $75.60

Click on these links to order yours for less:  Flyima | Locker Toys Entertainment Earth Sideshow Collectibles Amazon | or eBay |

JOYTOY Helbrecht 9He’s got a pretty serious shield. If you want to talk about some extra protection, throw a skeleton on there!

JOYTOY Helbrecht 10Other than the extra head, he doesn’t have a ton of pieces, but they all look really cool.

Get 12% Ordering JOYTOY Warhammer 40k Action Figures:

If you’ve been eyeing any of the fantastic JOYTOY Warhammer 40k action figures, use our exclusive discount code to get yours for less from Flyima! Use Discount Code: SPIKEYBITS at checkout to save 12%!

Best of all, they have free shipping to the States for almost all of them!

JOYTOY Helbrecht 11

Click Here to Get Your JOYTOY Figures 12% OFF!

    Will you pick any of these new Warhammer 40k action figures, including the JOYTOY Helbrecht? Which ones are your favorite?

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