Kill Team: Command Roster & Blackstone Crew Arrives!

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GW just announced more support for Kill Team. Let’s take a look at the latest Kill Team builder as well as some familiar faces that are coming to the game.

Games Workshop is giving Kill Team even more support by making it easier than ever for players to throw a list together. They’re calling it the Commander Roster. And last but not least, the Blackstone Fortress models are coming to Kill Team as well!

Kill Team Command Roster

command roster

For a while now, people have been using second-hand apps and writing lists by hand to play Kill Team. Games Workshop just made it easier than ever to jump into a game of Kill Team. It’s got a simple interface that even the newest of players can figure out.

Command Roster enables you to easily build your kill teams and keep track of their progression in campaigns. You start off by picking your kill team’s Faction, after which the Command Roster unlocks all of the available options for you on both the Roster and Kill Team tabs.

command roster 2

When you click through the tabs and fill out all of the info, you’ll get a sheet that looks similar to this. It keeps track of your resources during campaigns, your teams’ names, wargear of your models, points and more!

command roster 3

In Kill Team, your specialists have certain rules and stratagems unique to them. During campaigns, you can level these guys up that unlocks a “tree” that they can put points into. The Command Roster accommodates all of that so there’s no more thumbing through the pages of your book.

Now let’s check out who’s making an appearance to Kill Team.

Blackstone Fortress Comes to Kill Team

janus draik

janus draik kill team

More value is here now for the Blackstone Fortress set!

Not only can you play the Blackstone Fortress models in 40k, but they’re also coming to Kill Team as well!

More specifically, Janus Draik will be able to join ANY Adeptus Astartes, Astra Militarum, or Mechanicus Kill Team from his Warrant of Trade. He’ll be held under the “commander” slot for the team, obviously. Draik may not be the best in 40k, but his power in Kill Team is certainly going to be respected.

Janus Draik in Kill Team: 50 pts

But what about the other models in Blackstone Fortress?

blackstone fortress kill team

The fiendish hostiles of the Blackstone Fortress are available as a brand-new Faction – the Servants of the Abyss. They’ve got a solid combination of hitting power from the Black Legionnaires and Chaos Beastmen, weight of numbers from the Traitor Guardsmen, and access to psychic powers form the Rogue Psykers. You can even lead them with a Commander in the form of the fearsome Chaos Lord, Obsidius Mallex.

The Imperium may be getting Janus but Chaos is getting a whole new Kill Team. Servants of the Abyss are able to have the Chaos Marines, Beastmen, Guardsmen, Negavolt Cultists, Rogue Psykers, and even Obsidius Mallex as the ringleader behind it all (Just like in Blackstone Fortress).

The strength in numbers from Rogue Guardsmen paired with the mortal wound output from the Rogue Psykers is a powerful combo in itself. So how much do Servants of the Abyss cost?

  • Obsidius Mallex 125 pts
  • Traitor Guardsmen 5pts
  • Chaos Beastmen 7pts
  • Negavolt Cultist 9pts
  • Rogue Psyker 20pts
  • Black legionnaire 12pts

It turns out you get a lot of value of buying the Blackstone box. The box unlocks access to 40k and Kill Team on top of the regular Blackstone campaign that you can play with a group of friends.