Knight’s Pledged To The Emperor! LVO Army Showcase

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Check out this awesome Imperial Knight list with a stunning display that was spotted at the 2019 Las Vegas Open! Maybe it’ll inspire you!

The 2019 LVO brought players from all around the globe under one roof to roll dice. That being said, there were some amazing armies spotted on the tabletops. Check out this awesome Knight list!

LVO 2019

We move fast taking pictures when we’re guests at tournaments helping to cover the event for them. Coming from hobbyist, Derek Page, he’s put in some serious work!

A Knight Display You Have to See!: LVO Army Showcase

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Rolling out of a snowy factory, these Knights are rocking incredible paint jobs and LED work. With a Porphyrion towering over some Helverins, this list brought some serious firepower. Before we jump into each unit, just get a load of that display board!

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Looking at the first Helverin, its armor plates were hit with a dark wash and a bright red highlight. To really make the model pop, however, some bright yellow hazard stripes were thrown on top!

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Using the same loadout as the other Armiger, this Helverin is painted up with some awesome details as well. Plus, it’s got an awesome-looking skull-faced Devastator squad closing ranks just behind him.

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Finishing up the list, a few special characters with storm shields and lightning claws and axes sat atop the hill surveying the battle. Awesome job on this list and way to go flexing those hobby muscles on the display board!

What do you think about this Knight list? Have you thrown LEDs into your models? What kind of display board do you have for your army? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!