40k Kroot Hunting Pack (Tau Army) Box Set Value is Wild Now

tau kroot hunting pack army box set warhammer 40k

There is a ton of value inside the new Warhammer 40k Tau & Kroot Hunting Pack Army Box; here is the pricing, contents, release date, and savings breakdown!

The new Tau Kroot Army Box Set comprises 26 minis, the codex book, and is the starting point for all their new models!  As GW promised, this is only half the new minis that are coming for the Kroot. So, if you wanted early access to the Tau Codex with 10th Edition rules and the new minis, this was the only way to do it. 

New Tau Kroot Hunting Pack 40k Army Box: Value & Pricing

kroot hunting pack clip art

Before we get into the breakdown, let’s start with the price of the box. The recent Deathwing Assault box went for $220 (a $10 increase from similar boxes), and now the Kroot Hunting pack is $220 as well. Best of all, with so many new Tau models to compare them to, we have plenty to go on as far as value!

Kroot Hunting Pack Army Set Review

kroot hunting party value worth savings tau 40k box set

So, you’re thinking about grabbing the Kroot Hunting Pack? This box offers great value, a ton of new miniatures, and it’s all in plastic! If you want to play a Kroot-focused army in Tau, you really can’t go wrong with this box.  Even though it doesn’t have the highest value we’ve ever seen, it gets you all kinds of great-looking miniatures. More importantly, it has a good mix of troops, riders, and heavy combat power.

Kroot Hunting Pack Warhammer 40k Box Set Contents

Models Unit Name Value
20 Kroot Carnivores  $116 ($58 for 10) 
3 Krootox Rampagers $62.50
1 Krootox Rider $45
1 War Shaper $37
1 Flesh Shaper $35
1 Codex $60
1 Data Cards $35
Kroot Hunting Pack
  Total MSRP: $390.50
  Savings Versus Box Price: $170.50

Kroot Hunting Pack Warhammer 40k Comparisons

Below, you can see how the new Kroot box compares to Leviathan, which featured 25 Space Marine and 47 Tyranids models, as well as the Deathwing Assault releases.

Box Set Name Price Qty of Minis Value
Deathwing Assault $220 22 $124
SM Spearhead Force $230 20 $100
Kroot Hunting Pack $220 26 $170.50

Is the Kroot Hunting Pack Army Box Set Worth it?

Tau Kroot hunting pack army box set

In short, yes! There are a ton of great new miniatures inside, the codex, and more.  At $220, you save over $100, so there is a ton of value. Plus, there will be some intrinsic value inside the box as this was be the first place to get the new miniatures and Tau Rules.

Tau Kroot Hunting Pack 40k Army Box List Price & Release Date: $220 CAD$270 €175 £135

Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | eBay | or | Games Workshop’s Store. This site contains affiliate links and Spikey Bits earns from qualifying purchases.

kroot hunting pack army box release

  • Alignment: Xenos Armies
  • Faction: Tau Empire
  • Base Size: varies
  • Height: varies
  • Role: Elites, Heavy Support, HQ, Troops
  • Material: Plastic
  • Number of Minis: 26
  • Release Year: 2024

Buy the Kroot Hunting Pack

Kroot Hunting Pack Price By Country

Country Price
United States $220
Canada CAD$270
United Kingdom £135
Europe €175

Kroot Hunting Pack Box Set Description

Krootox RiderThe T’au Empire is known for its futuristic warfare and tactical ranged assaults. However, the Kroot Hunting Pack brings a different aspect of military might to complement the T’au’s advanced tactics with raw, primal strength.

The Kroot have been integral allies of the T’au Empire, embodying the essence of versatility and adaptability since their first introduction. With the 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Codex: T’au Empire, the Kroot’s role will expand even more, showcased first in this exclusive box set. This set unveils new Kroot miniatures while celebrating their lore and battlefield prowess dating back to the first Tau Codex in 2003.

WARHAMMER 40K - T'AU Empire Army Set - KROOT Hunting Pack
  • A mighty army of Kroot warriors to fight for the Greater Good 26 miniatures, including a War Shaper, Flesh Shaper, Carnivores, and two types of Krootox Includes Codex: T'au Empire with a variant cover, and a set of 44 Datasheet cards
  • Theme: FANTASY
  • Language: english
  • Number of players: 4
  • English (Publication Language)

Last update on 2025-03-01 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Kroot War Shaper

Tau Kroot

The Kroot Hunting Pack is led by gene-wise Shapers who introduce new in-game rules with the War Shaper and Flesh Shaper models. War Shapers are skilled warriors, and their primitive weapons are highly effective in their experienced hands. Be it the twirling melee prowess of the bladestave and prey-hook, or the ranged power of the dart-bow and tri-blade

Kroot Carnivore Squad

Tau Kroot

The backbone of any Kroot Hunting Pack is composed of Kroot Carnivores, skilled warriors with rustic equipment and savage countenance. With the new kit, Carnivores have several dynamic poses befitting their natural agility, and they come equipped with a tanglebomb launcher that adds explosive fire support to their Kroot rifle volleys.

Krootox Rampagers

Tau Kroot hunting pack army box setKrootox are not normally aggressive by nature, but a juvenile Krootox can be roused to battle by a particularly wild rider. Herded into thundering packs of Krootox Rampagers, their raw strength is fully exploited for sudden ambushes and devastating charges. 

They will act as linebreakers and skirmish cavalry that range ahead of the wider Hunting Pack. With up to six in each unit, they’re a big pile of melee power to be charging around the battlefield. These will be a great option for Tau, as they can smash enemies off objectives with combat.

Krootox Rider

Tau Kroot hunting pack army box setThe Krootox, a hulking beast of a subspecies, returns as the iconic Kroot weapons platform. The new model is covered in ornaments, fetishes, and bangles to showcase their status as valued partners. 

The Kroot Hunting Pack isn’t just a bunch of miniatures – it’s a symbol of the Kroot’s comeback, now with their very own Detachment in the new Codex: T’au Empire. This means that players can now create an all-Kroot army, exploring their unique cultural and combat styles to the fullest!

GW Reveals New 40k Kroot Hunters Combat Patrol

Kroot Combat Patrol

In White Dwarf 504, Games Workshop has gifted us with a fascinating twist: Na’Pok’s Hunters, a Kroot Combat Patrol for Warhammer 40k. But there’s a catch—unlike most combat patrols, this one doesn’t come in a neat, discounted box. Instead, you’ll be building it yourself, and let’s be honest, you’re in it for the love of the game (and maybe a bit of that tasty Kroot lore).

This new Combat Patrol offers a unique playstyle and a narrative full of tribal survival, brutal hunting, and, of course, heaps of carnivorous action.

Best of all the Kroot Hunters combat patrol has new 40k rules, and you can build it from the Kroot Hunting Pack, and it will cost just a little bit more. We have the full rules and pricing breakdown here for you.

Kroot Hunting Pack Tau Army Box Set YouTube Unboxing Reviews:

If you’re looking for the new Kroot Hunting Pack Tau Army Box Set unboxing reviews on YouTube, be sure to watch your favorite presenters talk about their take on new box set at the links below:

What to Buy Next?

Kroot Lone-spears 4

At this point, it’s hard to say; as GW promised, this is only half the models we’ll see for the Kroot by the time it’s all done. So, if you want to go full Kroot (and GW said you can build the army that way), you might want to see what else they come out with before expanding. But we expect more riders and hopefully some really fast or hard-hitting units.

However, if you just want a little Kroot help with your otherwise Tau army, you’ll want some Crisis Suits, Stealth Suits, and, of course, some vehicles!

Combat Patrol T’au Empire

You could pair it with the new Tau Combat Patrol that will give you whole squad for free inside. You can check out that value here, but keep in mind you will still need some heavier support options than what comes in either of these boxes.

Despite its price of $220, the new Warhammer 40k Kroot Hunting Pack Army Box is worth the purchase. Its miniatures and codex offer a lot of value as it was the only place to get early access to the new minis and Tau Rules. While it may not be the complete set for those looking to build an entire Kroot or Tau army, it’s a great starting point. 

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

What do you think about the value and pricing of the new Kroot Hunting Pack Army Box Set and the release date?