Land Fortress Rolling Out: Army of One

By Joshua Dunkerly | January 19th, 2023 | Categories: Army of One, Warhammer 40k News

meep meep mfrsThere is a new army out and about in the 40k universe, and those new boys are known as the Leagues of Votann!

Here are the latest models from the community, brought to us by Karol Struniawski (Just. Painting Studio) on the Spikey Bits Hobbies Facebook Group.

Check out our Land Fortress!

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New release – League of Votann Hekaton Land Fortress!

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New squats painted by Karol!

meep meep mfrs 1

“They think they are better ’cause they are bigger than us!”

Interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits, and seeing your name in lights? We want those pics!