2 Warhammer Starter Sets on Last Chance to Buy Now

last chance to buy GWGW has put Fury of the Deep and the Charadon Terrain on the last chance to buy list, check out what it can save you!

We’ve seen some of the regular range rotating out recently, but it finally looks like Fury of the Deep has run its course, so if you want it, better grab it now before it goes up in price on the secondary market.

Then, if you want some Charadon terrain, it looks like this is also the last chance to grab it for now.  Also, be aware these are not available in all areas anymore as of this writing.

Let’s first start with the updated Fury of the Deep value with GW’s price increases, then get into the terrain!

Last Chance to Buy Fury of the Deep & Updated Value

Click here to get yours for less from Amazon or on the GW store site here

fury of the deep boxThe price of the box is was $170 on release but has gone up to $195 according to the March 2022 price increases.

  • 10x Auric Hearthguard/Auric Berzerkers $90 ($45 for a box of 5)
  • Auric Flamekeeper $35 (based on most recent characters)
  • Vulkite Berzerkers $60 (existing kit)

Total Fyreslayers MSRP: $185

  • Akhelian Thrallmaster $35 (based on most recent characters)
  • Akhelian Allopex $50
  • 10 Namarti Thralls $55
  • 10 Namarti Reavers $55

Total Idoneth Deepkin MSRP: $195

  • AoS Mini Rulebook $20

Total Retail Value of Fury of the Deep: $400

Savings Versus Box Price: $205

So, if you break it down with a friend, you’ll be paying right around $85 a person and getting about $1115 extra in value each. We are also not including the booklet inside because that should just be an added value bonus for players. So, honestly, there is solid value inside (basically the same as Shadow and Pain) and much more than the recent Shadow Throne box for 40k. 

Battlezone: Mechanicus Charadon Box

Click here to get yours for less from Amazon or on the GW store site here

Battlezone Mechanicus TerrainYou get 13 pieces of terrain in this Terrain battlezone starter set (fewer small pieces than the last set) and the boards.

  • Haemotrope Reactor $25 ($49 for 2)
  • Sector Mechanicus Ferratonic Furnace $100 ($50 each)
  • Thermic Plasma Regulators $34
  • Alchomite Stack $60
  • Additional Pipes $15?

Total MSRP: $234

Total Value: $84

Overall there is some pretty cool terrain in this set. Not the craziest value out there, but if you need some really cool-looking terrain, this has some value inside. With this hitting last chance to buy, better get it now if you want it.

Will you pick either of these up before they leave the store? 

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