Last Tournament in the World To Wave 7th Good Bye!

Lords of War II

One of our guest writers had the privilege of attending “the last 7th edition tournament in the world”. Come take a look at what he had to say about it.

Good bye and thanks for all the templates!

Dear fanatics! Battesai is back out of hibernation, out of painting fumes…. Well I’m just back ok?

I had the pleasure, nay, the privilege to attend probably the last tournament played in 7th edition, in the world! For this wonderful parting event, one had to travel to the grim lands of vikings, to the far north parts of the map. Here be monsters! But in all seriousness you had to go to the old city of Lund in southern Sweden. On June 17th, when the rest of you were queuing to buy all your beautiful gubbins for 8th ed, some of us got together, to play one last tournament in 7th edition.

What went down?

16 of us got together on this wonderful summer’s day to part ways with 7th edition of 40k. We didn’t know at the time the event was planned that it would, in fact, land on the very day the new edition was released. The event itself is the second ever hosted by the guys over at Scattered Dice Gaming, an event they named so fittingly, Lords of War 40k.

The event was inspired by SN Battle Reports and ITC formats and went down with a bang. Us brave 16 battled it out over the esteemed prices of 1st place, Scattered Dice Award (painting and composition), Sportsmanship and the impressive, but rarely coveted, Best of the Worst (rewarded with a custom wooden spoon…. for real!).

And the candy?

The dice you see in the image were once in a lifetime achievement, never to be reproduced. We competitors had to battle it out for these by doing the tournaments fastest first blood, holding relics and finally the tournaments fastest slay the warlord ( as my readers will be happy to know I won both a relic one and a warlord one, but gave the last away to my opponent).

One thing this tournament had that tournaments across the world should keep as a rule, goodie bags. The first Lords of War event merited us a custom dice set, objective markers and stickers. This one merited us a sable hair paintbrush, a custom cup with our respective army logos on and a mini. This adds so much to the experience as a player when you show up at an event. It makes us feel special!

Without much further ado, keep an eye out for these guys, they host a wicked event and it will only grow bigger and bigger. Check out this video as we send 7th down memory lane, only to return grimmer, darker and shootier in the 8th edition!

This is Battesai signing off. Happy Hobbying.