Latest 40k Reveals From GW New Year’s Open Day

Custodes Thousand SonsThere was a lot revealed during GW’s New Year’s Open Day. Did you miss anything? Come take a look at everything we saw so far from the event.

Games Workshop’s New Year’s Open Day was a huge success, and we got to see a lot of information and previews of new content. Let’s recap everything we saw during the event in case you missed it.

First here’s the big teaser on Friday that a lot of hobbyists assumed would be Xenos news:

Then we saw first hand the previews from the show itself:

Next TWO 40k Codex Books Spotted!

new magnus walpaper

Don’t miss this! Two of the most characterful armies are getting codex books next for Warhammer 40k, the Adeptus Custodes and Thousand Sons!

New Codex: Thousand Sons Model Teasers

The news just keeps on coming from New Year’s Open at Warhammer World. Chaos fans, get ready for the Codex: Thousand Sons, and their new model options!

New Adeptus Custodes Models REVEALED

custode talons war hor

Looks like it will be a month of Gold! It was just revealed that the Adeptus Custodes will have a TON of new model kits and a codex on the way soon!

Rumor Engine: Adeptus Custodes Big Reveal

valdor custodes wal horz

It looks like we’ve been seeing pictures of the new Adeptus Custodes for a while now. Come find out what GW Rumor Engine pics are tied to the new minis!

New Horus Heresy Space Wolves Upgrades

space wolves walpaper wulfen hor

Let’s take a look at a new Space Wolves upgrade packs for the Horus Heresy that were spotted on Saturday’s big event!

New Year’s Open Day came and went just like 2017!   We’re finally seeing the Adeptus Custodes getting some love from Games Workshop, and they have some amazing looking models on the way as well. But it’s not just the Custodes, the Thousand Sons will be getting a new codex and some new miniature options as well.

2018 looks like it’s going to be a busy year already! Make sure you go back and check out all the things you may have missed from the Forge World New Year’s Open Day.

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