Latest Dark Angels Rules Reveals & Rumors

dark angels walpaper codexIt’s almost time for the release of the Dark Angels codex, and today we’re going to show you all the latest news and rumors from the past week.

The Dark Angels codex is now available for pre-order, so today we’re going to showing you all the latest news and rumors we’ve seen over the last week in case you missed it.

GW Previews New Dark Angels Releases & Stratagem

Supreme Grand Master Azrael combat

Today Games Workshop gave us a look at what Dark Angels will be going up for pre-order next week, as well as a look at one of the new Stratagems.

Dark Angels Rules SPOTTED In White Dwarf

DarkAngelCapatain2Today we’re going to be taking a look at Dark Angels content inside the covers of December’s White Dwarf. Come check it out.

GW Reveals Dark Angels Codex Datasheets & More

cypher the fallen angel dark

Come see all the new rules, datasheets and more that Games Workshop just revealed for the Dark Angels codex that is going on pre-order tomorrow!

RUMORS: Lion El’ Johnson Returning Next Year?

Lion v KonradThere’s a new rumor floating around this morning that states either the Lion or Vulkan will be released next year. Come find out the latest scoop.

New Dark Angels Stratagems, Traits, Points, & More

Supreme Grand Master Azrael combat

Checkout all the new Dark Angels Codex reveals, as we have even more information on what rules and points changes are inside the new book!

Wow so much happened, did you blink and miss it? New rumors claim that Lion El’ Johnson might be getting a model soon, GW revealed new rules from the codex throughout the week, and we even got a look at some Dark Angels content in the upcoming White Dwark. Make sure you go back and check out all the things you may have missed.

santa kharn

Latest News & Rumors from Games Workshop