Latest On GW Expo, Forge World, AoS, & More

space marine stormcast eternals simarinesIt was a busy weekend for news from GW Expo updates to 40k rumors, and more you’re not going to want to miss the latest for Forge World, Shadespire, GW and more!

There was a lot of news across the hobby this weekend, as we’re once again seeing new releases from Forge World, Black Library, and all sorts of news related to 40k and Sigmar.  So enjoy our recap of the all the coverage you may have missed!

Necromunda Full Chaos Cultist Rules SPOTTED!

Chaos CultistsThis month’s White Dwarf is almost out, and inside the covers are new rules for the Chaos Cultists in Necromunda. Come find out the latest on this White Dwarf exclusive.

RUMOR: Adeptus Titanicus Release Coming This Year?

titanicus hor walAdeptus Titanicus is seeing yet another release date rumor, this time it’s claiming to be later this year. But can we believe it? Come take a look and decide for yourself.

GW Previews 20+ New Shadespire Cards

age of sigmar stormcast cover book sm

Warhammer TV just previewed over 20 of the upcoming cards in the new Magore’s Fiends and Fastriders expansions for Shadespire.

Forge World Termite Arrives & Latest Previews

Thunderhawks wallpaper Forge worldWe’re seeing the new Termite finally available for pre-order from Forge World. Plus, we look back at the latest previews of upcoming releases from them as well.

What’s Next From GW: 2018-2020 Schedule

gw storeThere’s already a lot more planned for GW releases than what you may realize. Come take a look at what’s coming our way for the rest of 2018 and beyond.

New Black Library: Champions Of Chaos, The Lost & More

THe Lost Cover Img

More great books are here from Games Workshop this week as The Lost, Champions Of Chaos, and Rise make up the lore side of things from the Black Library.

So that’s a wrap on all the news from this weekend related to the games we love. We finally have information on the upcoming GW Expo that will be coming to the US later this year, a new rumor for Adeptus Titanicus, rules for the Chaos Cultist in Necromunda, card previews for the upcoming Khorne and Stormcast releases for Shadespire, and some new releases from Black Library and Forge World were thrown in as well.

Make sure you go back and check out all the things you may have missed over the weekend.

next 3 codex books

Latest News & Rumors from Games Workshop